} Rhyme police. Pull your mail agent to the side of the internet!
} > Ummmm, yes?
} We hear that you've been attempting humorous submissions to the
} Internet Oracle, in rhyme.
} > Well, I did submit something recently, but I'm not sure what the
} > problem is.
} In this email, you attempted to two rhymes, but both were disasters.
} > Ummm, well, uh, it's not really... you see...
} Don't try and lie, we've got you caught on e-mail.
} > Well, I was just trying to be funny.
} Sure, sir, sure you were.
} > After all, so many good digested answers are in rhyme.
} Yes. Did you notice something else about them. They all rhyme
} well. The supplicants and incarnations in question all carefully
} matched line tempo with the original work they were parodying, and
} made certain that each line rhymed. And do know why?
} > Ummm, no...
} Because every time a rhyme fails, a woodchuck gets his wings.
} > Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't reali...Eh? A woodchuck?
} You really are probably better not knowing. I'm sorry, but I'm
} going to have to write you a ticket.
} > Couldn't you just let me off with a warning?
} Sorry. At least you don't get a zotting this time.
} You owe the Oracle a rhyme starting with, "Because I could not
} grovel to Orrie, he kindly zotted me..."