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Oracularities Digests

In order to vote on the Oracularities contained in any of these digests, you must first register to vote. It is not necessary to register if you simply want to read the digests.

  • Oracularities Digest #1608
  • Oracularities Digest #1607
  • Oracularities Digest #1606
  • Oracularities Digest #1605
  • Oracularities Digest #1604

All the votes are in on the older Oracularities Digests:

  • Oracularities Digest #1603
  • Oracularities Digest #1602
  • Oracularities Digest #1601
  • Oracularities Digest #1600
  • Oracularities Digest #1599

Past digests back to #1 are also available.
Oracularities Digest #

You may search past rec.humor.oracle postings at Google Groups, or simply FTP download the raw text Oracularities digests and other Oracle-related material. The Oracularities digests are also posted on the Usenet newsgroup rec.humor.oracle.

You may lookup any number of past digests and individual Oracularities.
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