} Once upon a midnight dreary, while we pondered, weak and weary,
} With many a ballot filled with checks and crosses more
} While we counted, never caring, each ballot with its voter pairing
} Suddenly there came a wailing, right up to the chamber door.
} "'Tis the governer," I muttered, "wailing at the chamber door-"
} Only this, and nothing more.
} Ah, distinctly I remember, it was in a bleak November
} The people sought to unencumber from his seat the governor.
} Desperatly he sought to bargain, tried to fool the folks with jargon
} But the people saw a gorgon, a gorgon they could not endure
} A dishonest politician whom the folks would not endure
} Once the gov'nor, nevermore.
} As he heard us sitting, counting, and the votes against him mounting
} "Here's one more," he heard me cry, "the governor'll be out the door"
} Now beginning to fear the worst, angrily he yelled and cursed
} Then into the room he burst. All we could do was ignore.
} As he tore around the room, the governor we did ignore
} Soon the governor no more.
} Presently my heart grew stronger, hesitating then no longer
} "Sir," said I, "sir guv'nor your forgivness I implore,
} But the fact is we are counting and we...please sir, stop your pouting,
} Though the votes 'gainst you are mounting, still your staying does
} ensure That we'll be accused of bias, something we'll all deplore
} I beg you, use the door.
} Now out of our chamber turning, his anger still within him burning,
} We returned to ballot counting, trying to ignore his roar.
} But now it was getting late, and I had earlier planned a date,
} Yet the ballots coud not wait. It seemed we'd count forever more.
} The votes were opposition seven, for the current gov'nor, four.
} And other ballots, thousands more.
} I made sure noone could hear, as in my mind a plan appear'd
} Rather than the rules adhere, we could plan a little more.
} Instead of every vote numb'ring, we could just be peacefully
} slumb'rinWe'll just guess what results are coming and noone else will
} know the score There's no way for anyone to find the genuine score
} Secret here, forever more
} In the air we flipped a penny, knowing this would vote for many.
} Knowing that it was a felony, and wondering who'd be governor.
} Slowly to the ground it fell, spinning, spinning, just as well.
} Truly even, fair, pell-mell. The waiting we could not endure.
} Only wondering as it fell, would he stay the governor.
} Said the penny: nevermore.