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Internet Oracularities #1116

1116, 1116-01, 1116-02, 1116-03, 1116-04, 1116-05, 1116-06, 1116-07, 1116-08, 1116-09, 1116-10

Internet Oracularities #1116    (77 votes, 3.1 mean)
Compiled-By: Steve Kinzler <kinzler@cs.indiana.edu>
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 13:35:52 -0500 (EST)

To find out all about the Internet Oracle (TM), including how to
participate, send mail to oracle@cs.indiana.edu with the word "help"
in the subject line.  ("Internet Oracle" is a trademark of Stephen
B Kinzler.)

Let us know what you like!  Send your ratings of these 10 Oracularities
on an integer scale of 1 ("very poor") to 5 ("very good") with the
volume number to oracle-vote@cs.indiana.edu (probably just reply to this
message).  For example:
   2 1 3 4 3   5 3 3 4 1

1116  77 votes 2jwg8 8rmf5 akkk7 2avs6 4jwi4 1eduj 4pnk5 3ksm4 4gsm7 5akph
1116  3.1 mean  3.1   2.8   2.9   3.3   3.0   3.7   3.0   3.1   3.2   3.5

1116-01    (2jwg8 dist, 3.1 mean)
Selected-By: "Forbes, Michael Scott (Scott)" <trans@lucent.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

>  Oracle, Bard of the `Net, Minstrel of the Web, Muse of the Modems,
>  please answer this for me, Wise Oracle;
>  What is the connection between golfing and photography that
>  brought about the phrase, "Watch the Birdie"?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} A sad, sad misunderstanding with a somewhat happy result, I'm afraid.
} It all started when the Ohio State University Class of 1864 went out
} to have a graduation photograph taken for posterity. Cameras and films
} (actually plates) of the day were terribly crude, and quite fussy when
} it came to exposure. The local photographer had discovered that a golf
} course near the University had the correct combination of conditions
} (open sky, northerly exposure, a slight rise that allowed a group to
} be arranged in rows) for acceptable results, and directed the class
} to meet there.
} Unfortunately, the University president was playing golf that day,
} and stopped to watch the session. Needless to say, that made the
} seniors (who in that age actually respected and feared the school
} administration) quite nervous. The entire class of 17 men had to
} stand at attention for most of an hour while the photographer fussed
} and fidgeted with his equipment.  Tempers were beginning to flare,
} yet nobody dared raise his voice in the presence of The President.
} Finally, just as the photographer was ready to open the shutter, a
} group of underclassmen strolled by and began to taunt the seniors.
} One man in the back row could bear the strain no longer and made
} an ancient and time-honored salute to the unwashed barbarians.
} A number of events happened simultaneously, each with a corresponding
} misunderstanding:
} 1) The President, seeing the gesture, shouted a warning to the
} offending senior: "Watch that birdie, mister!" The senior, being
} from Central Ohio, had no clue what a "birdie" was in that context,
} but assumed it was a euphemism for an error in his wardrobe. (He had
} just discovered that his fly was open, which was the subject of the
} underclass taunts.)
} 2) The rest of the seniors thought The President was referring to a
} cardinal that had perched in a tree above the camera, and all diverted
} their gaze to it.
} 3) The photographer also had noticed the cardinal, and thought The
} President was warning him that it was about to "let fly," and stepped
} away from the camera to avoid the offense.
} 4) A golfer nearby chipped in a shot from approximately 30 yards away,
} miraculously dropping the ball into the hole. The golfer was convinced
} that The President was able to predict the future, and was instructing
} bystanders to observe the tremendous shot.
} 5) The President's wife conceived a manchild. (But that's another
} story.)
} So, you can see the contributions Ohio State University has made to
} the English language. Not to mention developing the first photographic
} red-eye reduction technique.
} You owe the Oracle a worthless nut that lives in Ohio.

1116-02    (8rmf5 dist, 2.8 mean)
Selected-By: "Tim Chew" <twchew@mindspring.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> O wise and marvelous Oracle,
> Why is Silicon Valley such a boring place?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Pip, pip, chap-o! Silicon Valley isn't a boring place at all. I know to
} a casual observer it just seems like a high-tech, geek-infested
} high-tech waseland, but you just have to know how to look at it the
} right way. Take this as an example. Cue music!
} Once there was a little old chip
} Seated on a circuit board strip.
} Who really gives a flip? Skip?
} 'Bout a stupid ol' chip?
} But he's got...HIGH HOPES!
} He's got...HIGH HOPES!
} He's got...high Apple, DEC, or TI hopes!
} Some day he might be placed in
} A new PlayStation
} And be exciting and hip!
} And then OOPS! There goes another AMD
} Whoops! There goes another AMD
} Whoops! There goes another AMD chip.
} You see? How many times have you said "This is cool!" while smashing
} bandicoots and driving a big evil clown around in an ice cream truck?
} That boring ol' product of Silicon Valley made it happen. And that's
} not all...
} Once there was an engineer guy
} Who worked at his cube long hours at night
} Lifeless and dull and sad...Brad!
} But he doesn't feel bad,
} Cause he's got...STOCK OPTIONS!
} He's got...STOCK OPTIONS!!
} He's got...wealthiest guy on the..block options!
} You see, that guy's conspir'rin'
} To be retirin'
} To a beach in Kauai.
} And OOPS! There goes another engineer
} Whoops! There goes another engineer
} Whoops! There goes another engineer guy.
} So there you go! Nothing boring about money, is there? So the next time
} you're down in the valley, remember this little ditty. It'll help you
} remember how exciting even the most boring of places can be!
} Well, OK, really, it probably won't. But sing it anyway. I need the
} royalties.
} You owe the Oracle a rubber tree plant.

1116-03    (akkk7 dist, 2.9 mean)
Selected-By: "Tim Chew" <twchew@mindspring.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Oracle! Now we're in for it! Big Louie found out about all the loot
> you've been skimming, and he's sending his bruisers to shake you
> down. What are we gonna do? Where can I hide my Mercedes? Help!
> Murray Stickyfingers
> Oracular Accountant

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Too late, here comes Big Louie now.
} Big Louie: Listen Huey, you're my brother and I love you. But if you
} ever go against the family again, I'll have you killed.
} > Huey? Do you mean....?
} The Oracle: Honest Louie, it's all a mistake.
} Big Dewey: Louie, I don't care if this scum is our brother. He always
} had the ear of The Don, he always had the best toys. And now he double
} crosses us. I say we waste him now.
} Big Louie: You know the rules Dewey, nothing is decided without
} consulting The Don.
} [The Don appears]
} The Donald: Quack quack quack quack quack. Quack quack quack quack
} quack.
} The Oracle: No sir. Yes sir. Right away sir. Yes sir, I understand.
} Yes, I take your warning sir. No, never again sir.
} [The next morning The Oracle and Lisa wake up and notice something in
}  their bed]
} The Oracle: Oh my, they wouldn't. They did. OH MY, NOT GOOFY!!!!
} You owe The Oracle three loaves of stale bread. This is a very nice
} pond you have. It would be a shame if anything were to .... happen
} to it.

1116-04    (2avs6 dist, 3.3 mean)
Selected-By: "Tim Chew" <twchew@mindspring.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Oracle Most Erudite,
> Please tell me why Europeans drive on the left side of the road, and
> Americans drive on the right.
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Get the Internet just the way you want it.
> Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month!
> Try Juno Web: http://dl.www.juno.com/dynoget/tagj.

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} This is not as easy for me to do as you might think, young Junoite.
} You see, before I can tell you why Europeans drive on the left, it is
} necessary to ensure that they do so. And since the only country in
} Europe that already does so is Britain, and the British are about as
} popular in the European Union as genital herpes, you can see that it
} would be something of an uphill task getting the rest to convert.
} Fortunately, this is not my problem, as I'm only here to provide
} answers to questions, not engineer social change. Therefore it's going
} to be your job to get the Europeans to change, young Junoite. May I
} suggest very large deposits of cash into the bank accounts of certain
} French and Italian European Commissioners (and you'd better hurry
} before the current fraud investigation kicks them all out of office).
} If that fails, I'm afraid you're going to be very busy for a while,
} moving road signs and painting white arrows on the carriageways all
} across the continent. But just think - when you're finally done and you
} ask me again why Europeans drive on the left, I'll answer: "Because
} _you_ made them!" and you'll feel a warm glow.
} As to why Americans drive on the right, that's easy. If they drove on
} the other side, they'd crash into the oncoming traffic.

1116-05    (4jwi4 dist, 3.0 mean)
Selected-By: krc@erythrea.wellesley.edu

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Oh Oracle most wise, most sagacious, most pleasinglyly plump, whose
> floors I am unworthy to grovel upon, what part of the chicken is the
> nugget?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Ever heard of pork nuggets? Turkey nuggets? Veal nuggets? I didn't
} think so. Soon, you shall understand why, meagre supplicant. This is
} because there isn't really any connection to the animal so commonly
} called "chicken".
} I was first asked this question by the great Athenian thinker,
} Thucydides. He came to me on Friday, January 16, 542 BC, and said he
} thus:
} Thucydides: Oracle, my main man, what part of the chicken is the
}             nugget?
} Oracle:     I've really got to get these guys to show me some respect.
}             I mean, _grovel_ a little, Thucydides!
} Thucydides: What do you mean, grovel? I've walked four full miles to
}             get up this godforsaken mountain, and now you want me to
}             drop on my knees and act like a twerp just to puff up your
}             ego so I can get a probably inadequate answer to my
}             question?
} Oracle:     You're treading on Zot territory, mortal.
} Thucydides: Sorry. Anyways, can we get on with this? What is my answer?
} Oracle:     I'm not sure whether I should put up with your insufferable
}             attitude, but I'm going to give you the benefit of the
}             doubt. Which part of the chicken is the nugget? ... Er...
}             Get ye back to Athens, and you shall receive your answer in
}             3-5 business days.
} Thucydides: What a crock.
} You see, I was rather new at the whole Oracle thing, and hadn't had
} time to research every possible question. And frankly, chicken nuggets
} were a bit low on my list owing to the fact that Athens had no chicken,
} no nuggets, and certainly none of the combination.
} I took a week long vacation to ascertain the answer. I visited many
} many chicken farms across the nextdoor city-state, and none of the
} chickens could give me a straight answer. I quickly got the impression
} that I was Bawking up the wrong tree.
} I turned away from the chicken farm section of Sparta and went to a
} nearby gold mine. The foreman there was helpful, if somewhat eccentric,
} and assured me that the local AFL-CIO representative was familiar with
} nuggets of all kinds. I arranged for a lunchtime meeting with the labor
} rep.
} As a result of some skillful negotiations (I zotted his lunch and he
} agreed to drop the Socialistic preaching for a minute) I was allowed a
} trip into the mine to look at the Golden Nuggets department. With
} closer examination, I made out the faint shape of a chicken. (Or maybe
} it was just a fly imprisoned in the rock with prehistorical DNA waiting
} for Michael Crichton far in the future. I forget.)
} The answer to your question, supplicant, is that it is not from what
} part of a chicken comes the nugget, but from what part of the nugget
} comes the chicken.
} Oh, jeez, I still need to get back to Thucydides. Thanks for reminding
} me.
} You owe the Oracle an extra value meal at McDonalds.

1116-06    (1eduj dist, 3.7 mean)
Selected-By: "Leo L. Schwab" <ewhac@best.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Regis Philbin sat opposite the Oracle, looking smug as usual.  It was
> the last day of filming the new American version of the game show "Who
> Wants to Be a Millionaire", and The Omniscient One Himself was playing
> for the big money.
> The questions started off easily enough ("How many angels can dance on
> the head of a pin?"), but somewhere around the 12th question things got
> considerably more difficult.  The Oracle had to pause for a moment to
> answer the 13th question ("What's the sound of one hand clapping?"),
> and the 14th question for a half-million dollars was just brutal
> ("What's the difference between a duck?").
> But now was the moment.  The chance to beat Regis at his own game and
> win the million dollars.
> "T. I. Oracle, if you answer this next question correctly, I will give
> you _this_ _cheque_ for one million dollars," Regis prominently
> displayed the cheque for all to see, and was rewarded with loud oooohs
> and aaaahs from the crowd.
> "That is of course, if you wish to proceed.  If you quit now, you can
> walk away with your $500,000.  But if you get this next question
> _wrong_, you only get to keep $32,000.  Do you wish to keep playing?"
> The Oracle nodded.
> "Okay..."    <The lights in the studio dim...>
>  /**********************************************
> /  15.  How much wood would a woodchuck chuck  *
> *       if a woodchuck could chuck wood?      /
> **********************************************
>  /********************** /**********************
> /  A.  1 cord / day   / / C.  3 cords / year  /
> **********************  **********************
>  /********************** /**********************
> /  B.  2 cords / hour / / D.  1 cord / week   /
> **********************  **********************

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

}     The Oracle swallowed slowly.  He knew the answer, of course, but
} should he say it?  Was it worth losing his dignity, his principles, all
} he stood for?  Not for the million dollars, of course,-- the Oracle had
} more money than he could ever need-- but for the chance to wipe that
} smug, smug smile off of Regis Philbin's face.  More than anything, he
} needed to stall for time to think.
}     Fortunately, he still had one of his three lifelines left. "I'll
} take my last lifeline, Regis," said the Oracle.  "I'll call Lisa."  (In
} his arrogance, the Oracle had wasted the audience vote on number 4
} "True or False:  This statement is a lie.", just to see whether they
} would get it right.  And he had gotten two answers removed on question
} 12, "I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10 billion.  What is it?"
} because he knew it was a trick question: Regis was thinking about
} eating a ham sandwich.)
}     The ring of the phone jolted the Oracle out of his reverie.  There
} was a click, then "Og here."
}     "Og, it's Orrie.  Get Lisa for me."
}     "Lisa not here.  Og here."
}     "How about Zadoc, then?"
}     "Zadoc not here.  Og here."
}     The Oracle smiled to himself.  Of course he knew that everyone but
} Og was, out.  What was more, he could keep this up all day, giving
} himself time to think.  "Kendai?" he asked....
}     Several hours (and a few hundred in-jokes) later, the Oracle had
} finished thinking.  "All right Og, I guess I'll just have to ask you.
} How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck
} wood?"
}     "Og no like wood-chuck.  Wood-chuck bad.  Og smash wood-chuck."
}     The Oracle forced himself to keep a poker face, as Regis's smug
} smile grew even wider.  "It's now or never, Oracle," said Regis.
}     "In that case," said the Oracle slowly, "why don't *you* tell me!"
} And with that, he stood up, reached over, and ripped the rubber Regis
} Philbin mask from the face of the giant woodchuck sitting across from
} him!
}     "Curses!" squealed the woodchuck.  But though you've exposed me,
} you've given an incorrect answer, so you lose!  Hahahaha!"
}     "Wrong!" shot back the Oracle.  "You forgot to ask me if that was
} my final answer!  That means I can still change it!"  And with that, he
} turned to the show's producer, who had run screaming onstage, and
} whispered a letter into his ear.
}     "Yes, that's right!" cried the distraught executive.  "You win!
} Just please get this creature out of my studio!"
}     "Gladly," said the Oracle, reaching in his pocket for his swiss
} army zot staff.  "Regular, or Extra Crispy?"....

1116-07    (4pnk5 dist, 3.0 mean)
Selected-By: Rich McGee <rmcgee@csusb.edu>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Oh grand and splendiferous oracle.
> Tell me why the Comic Convention sucked this year.

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Well, first of all, the convention suite opted to depart from last
} year's snack serving policy. Instead of serving nacho chips, peanut
} butter, and Little Debbies, they presented an assortment of mixed
} vegetables and popcorn. By the third day of the convention, the lack of
} fat and carbohydrates in your diet forced you to actually abandon your
} "freebies only" nourishment plan and buy two McDonald's Extra Value
} meals, eliminating $9.00 that had already been earmarked for purchasing
} the "Jaleel White Presents: Did I Do That? Mysteries" comic
} mini-series.
} Then there was the fact that popular independent comic company
} Splatterscrew Publications was bought by Franklin Covey, the makers of
} the Franklin planner and the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
} books. At their exhibit booth, they advertised the discontinuance of
} the Bloodstool, Captain Goth, and Iron Bra comics, and the introduction
} of three new comics: "The Amazing Goal-Focused Man", "Productivo, the
} Proactive Personage", and "Saw-Sharpening Sally: the Self-Improvement
} Savior." You became violently ill at the booth, causing you to empty
} your stomach and again blow another $4.50 for another Extra Value meal
} to fill it back up.
} Another big downer was the jolt from reality you received while
} standing in line to get your Spawn #1 comic signed by Todd McFarlane.
} As he wrote, you pointed out a plot hole in Spawn #77, where The
} Violator, who had been banished to Hell in #75, returned with no
} explanation of how he escaped his banishment. McFarlane told you to
} "grow up...it's just a comic book!" Your shock and disbelief that came
} from processing this new information left you depressed. You returned
} to your room to sulk and missed the costume ball, which featured the
} highly hilarious Spider-Elvis (an Elvis impersonator with a Spider-Man
} mask on).
} Finally, you shared a room with 16 other guys, which meant you got to
} spend no time alone in your room with your newly purchased Tomb Raider
} comic books.
} You owe the Oracle a batarang.

1116-08    (3ksm4 dist, 3.1 mean)
Selected-By: "Alyce Wilson" <berlin63@hotmail.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> CALL (812) 866-7597 FOR DETAILS TODAY!!!!!!!!!

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} oracle@cs.indiana.edu AND RECEIVE, FREE OF CHARGE, A SHINY, NEW *ZOT*
} * free *zot*s may cause brain damage, constipation, explosive diarrhea,
} cramps, rapid aging, dyslexia, mumps, the clap, double vision,
} irritable bowel syndrome, writer's cramp, carpal tunnel syndrome,
} multiple personalities, type 2 diabetes, glaucoma, corns, laryngitis,
} lead poisoning, mercury poisoning, occasional blindness, migrane
} headaches, and severe allergic reactions while driving. *zot*s, in
} general, may cause the stock market to crash, fish and lizards to rain
} from the heavens, a really meteor to miss the earth by a few hundred
} feet causing this nice steady three-day breeze over the southern
} U.S. and Mexico, another Cher comeback, another low calorie diet
} drink from Pepsi called "Two," and the common cold. Use as directed.
} Offer void in the 49 contiguous U.S. states and Canada. Only legal
} in Mexico and Hawaii when accompanied by a special government waiver.
} *zot*s are an earth-friendly product, as long as said earth is enclosed
} in Schrodinger's box.
} You owe the Oracle a good lawyer.

1116-09    (4gsm7 dist, 3.2 mean)
Selected-By: Rich McGee <rmcgee@csusb.edu>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

>  Sitting at the terminal
>  eyeing up nasty URLs
>  with bad content.
>  Spam ruining threads that never close
>  nosy fingers of ISPs he knows.
>  Compiling on the old Sun
>  Watching as the silly patches run.
>  Feeling like a good yuck
>  nuking all the file in ~ of some shumuck.
>  Sun running fold
>  an old man page acting funny.
>  Using time <script>
>  the only way he knows.
>  Logs hurting bad,
>  as he mends /var/adm/ only
>  down goes lastlog too,
>  nethack is neat.
>  needing a phone
>  he whips up some code
>  hacks the hub for a tone and
>  get a line free.
>  root my friend
>  don't think of pay or a life easy
>  you poor old sod
>  you see it's only BSD.

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} The Oracle trembled. The combination of computer jargon in a knockoff
} of a Jethro Tull song was just too much. "Who does he think he is?"
} hissed the Oracle through clenched teeth.
} So many wannabe songsmiths and poets had graced the queue lately. Most
} submitted junk, as was to be expected, and the Oracle felt no qualms
} about dismissing them with a wave of his hand (sometimes the one
} holding the Zot wand) and a pat on the head (sometimes administered by
} Og). Now and then, however, something good did come along - often in
} the guise of a Queen lyric. These were actually tougher - the Oracle
} didn't want to spoil a potentially digestible question with an
} indigestible answer.
} This one was an enigma, however. The orginal song was one of the
} Oracle's favorites, and he had mumbled his own version of the lyrics to
} the cat on occasion. (Kitty on a park bench / eyeing little birds with
} bad intent.) But to wedge all these references to arcane computer
} technology into an otherwise non-technical poem wasn't just a contrast
} it was just plain weird.
} The Oracle wondered what to do with it. Obviously it wasn't a question,
} just some hacker showing off his knowledge. He could let it slide back
} into the queue, and let another incarnation take a shot at it, but
} - somehow that didn't seem fair. That would be like Bill Clinton asking
} Al Gore to drive Monica home.
} The Oracle cringed at the simile and considered deleting it, but
} finally decided to let it stay. He still needed to give some kind of
} answer. The Oracle suddenly remembered a scene from his days as a CS
} student, and paraphrased it to match the topic at hand:
} "That's nice, Mr. Anderson, but code submitted for an assignment must
} be formatted according to department standards. You'll have to repeat
} the course."

1116-10    (5akph dist, 3.5 mean)
Selected-By: "Forbes, Michael Scott (Scott)" <trans@lucent.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> -   ---
> --   ---
> ---   ---
> ----   ---
> -----   ---
> ------   ---
> -------   ---  Give it up .....
> ------   ---
> -----   ---
> ----   ---
> ---   ---
> --   ---
> -   ---

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} -   ---        A micropixel message from the other priests! How kind
} ---   ---      of them to beg me to come back; alas, there's no way
} -----   ---    I can. In fact, the timed-release mechanism is due to
} -----   ---    inject the 2nd dose of the shrinking potion into my
} -----   ---    bloodstream in about 3 minutes, which should reduce
} -----   ---    me from my present 0.75 mm to the size of an E coli.
} -------   ---  After that, 5 more doses and...
} -----   ---
} -----   ---    But let me start at the beginning. Last Tuesday my
} -----   ---    Cyberinfluential Master the Oracle was entertaining
} -----   ---    leaders of the G7 nations and their families - you
} ---   ---      may remember reading about it in the papers. I was
} -   ---        delivering the drinks, shuffling backwards on my
}                knees as due deference demands, when I accidentally
} -   ---        collided with the supine form of Chancellor
} ---   ---      Schroeder and, as a result, liberally showered
} -----   ---    Cherie Blair with an assortment of rum-and-cokes
} -----   ---    and bloody marys. My Master, normally the most
} -----   ---    indulgent and mild-tempered of deities, exclaimed
} -----   ---    (his words are seared upon my soul) "Zadoc, you
} -------   ---  verruca on the big toe of life! Get out and never
} -----   ---    let me see you again!"
} -----   ---
} -----   ---    Well, the getting out part was easy, but as to the
} -----   ---    2nd half of my Master's instructions... I mean, I
} ---   ---      couldn't just kill myself and have my body entombed
} -   ---        down the bottom of a mineshaft. In a few million
}                years, the natural processes of erosion would bring
} -   ---        my fossilised remains back to the surface, and they
} ---   ---      might be placed in a museum where my Master (who
} -----   ---    is, of course, immortal) might chance upon them.
} -----   ---    And taking a spaceship to the farthest end of the
} -----   ---    galaxy - same problem. Eventually, in billions of
} -----   ---    years, the universe would start to collapse in on
} -------   ---  itself, bringing my little craft with its mummified
} -----   ---    occupant ever closer to where the Oracle would
} -----   ---    still be, dispensing wisdom to whatever new race of
} -----   ---    beings had replaced the descendants of humanity.
} -----   ---
} ---   ---      I toyed with the idea of using the Wayback Machine
} -   ---        to propel myself into the past. However, my past
}                Master's omniscience would tell him that he wasn't
} -   ---        seeing me for the first time, but in fact again,
} ---   ---      when he will have explicitly commanded me in the
} -----   ---    future that I was not to permit this to happen.
} -----   ---    Invisibility was also out: although he would not
} -----   ---    actually be able to see me, he would know I was
} -----   ---    there and would be able to imagine seeing me, and
} -------   ---  his displeasure would be as great as if I brazenly
} -----   ---    danced the hokey-cokey before his eyes wearing a
} -----   ---    lemur-skin tutu and accompanied by 15 performing
} -----   ---    woodchucks.
} -----   ---
} ---   ---      I could see no way out of my dilemma and almost
} -   ---        gave way to despair. And then it struck me! An idea
}                so brilliant that I still can't believe it was my
} -   ---        own; maybe, in my darkest hour, it somehow leaked
} ---   ---      telepathically from my Master's mind into mine. I
} -----   ---    would shrink myself to subatomic size! Once I was
} -----   ---    no larger than an electron, I would be subject to
} -----   ---    Heisenbergian Uncertainty: no-one, not even the
} -----   ---    Quantumquashing Oracle, would be able to tell that
} -------   ---  I was Zadoc and where I was at the same time. It
} -----   ---    was perfect!
} -----   ---
} -----   ---    Twelve seconds to go. Don't mourn me, fellow priests:
} -----   ---    what I do, I do to please the Megamunificent One,
} ---   ---      and nobody could wish for more. I know I couldn't.
} -   ---        I wonder if the E coli will be frien

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