} Having read the master's works, of course, you can lay your hands on the
} maps in the book. Also, the related TSR game has a large map.
} Unfortunately, they took some liberties with the layout of the place, so
} use that only as a rough guide.
} As for what to do, that depends on your exact interests. As I enjoy the
} pastoral life, I enjoy walking the hills and pastures of the Shire.
} Just relaxing and watching the clouds go by is a good vacation for me.
} Of course, the new amusement park on the shores of Long Lake is a big
} draw, what with their new Smaug roller-coaster and all. Next month they
} should be opening their 9-rings loop coaster. If you happen to be there
} for the anniversary of the ruling-ring destruction, be sure to catch
} Gandalf's fireworks display.
} I've heard the skiing is great in the misty mountains, but I do not ski.
} Those who enjoy the congeniality of pubs will find much to sate them.
} The Thursday night tall-tale contests down at the Balrog Inn at
} Rivendell rival those at Callahan's.
} You owe the Oracle a Mithril belt buckle.