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Internet Oracularities #1176

1176, 1176-01, 1176-02, 1176-03, 1176-04, 1176-05, 1176-06, 1176-07, 1176-08, 1176-09, 1176-10

Internet Oracularities #1176    (67 votes, 3.2 mean)
Compiled-By: Steve Kinzler <kinzler@cs.indiana.edu>
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 13:33:30 -0500 (EST)

To find out all about the Internet Oracle (TM), including how to
participate, send mail to oracle@cs.indiana.edu with the word "help"
in the subject line.  ("Internet Oracle" is a trademark of Stephen
B Kinzler.)

Let us know what you like!  Send your ratings of these 10 Oracularities
on an integer scale of 1 ("very poor") to 5 ("very good") with the
volume number to oracle-vote@cs.indiana.edu (probably just reply to this
message).  For example:
   2 1 3 4 3   5 3 3 4 1

1176  67 votes 6jmf5 3chle 5ilf8 0aoif 47kme 6glf9 6jnc7 39hik 9sk64 28wdc
1176  3.2 mean  2.9   3.5   3.0   3.6   3.5   3.1   2.9   3.6   2.5   3.4

1176-01    (6jmf5 dist, 2.9 mean)
Selected-By: Ian Davis

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> I can't send mail. Can you?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Supplicant, when they said email will be replacing the traditional
} letter, they didn't mean for you to wrap up your PC  in brown paper and
} try to force it into your nearest letterbox. The correct procedure is:
} Write the email
} Photograph the screen
} Use a scanner to scan in the negative
} photograph the screen again
} Send the photograph to the recipient.
} Then, all the recipient needs to do, is photograph the photograph of
} the scanned negative photograph of your email, scan in the negative,
} and print out!
} You owe the oracle a colour-blind homing pigeon.

1176-02    (3chle dist, 3.5 mean)
Selected-By: Alyce Wilson <shantipoet@yahoo.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Every organisation from six to 60000 people needs a Brahma, a Vishnu ,
> and a Shiva - a creator, a preserver, and a destroyer. And you need
> those tensions simultaneously.... The problem with the average-size
> corporation is that eventually the preservers take over and stagnation
> sets in. You need to protect the Shivas, the destroyers.
> - Tom Peters
> Is the above true?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} OK, first of all, you get a low-grade, non-fatal-but-non-pleasant *ZOT*
} for Failure to Grovel:
} *ZOT*
} Don't forget that little lesson, O Crispy Mortal, for I shall not be
} so forgiving, next time.
} Now, to the substance of your question. The answer is yes, it's true.
} Every organization larger than six people and smaller than 60000 people
} requires a Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. However, Mr Peters reasoning is
} incorrect. He seems to have bought the DDU (Deities and Daemons Union
} -- member AFL-CIO) propaganda, or perhaps he's shilling for the Union.
} The truth is, the contract between Civilization As We Know It, Inc.
} and the DDU requires such organizations to have a balanced number of
} Brahmas, Vishnus and Shivas -- at least one of each. Union rules go on
} to stipulate that, since Vishnus are relatively unskilled and thus,
} easier to come by, an organization may hire six or more Vishnus for
} every Brahma-Shiva pair.
} Larger organizations are required to have at least one Buddha, one
} Allah, two Jesi (the plural of 'Jesus', of course), a Jehova, and
} a half-time Kilderkin; two Satans (if they're the wussy kind from
} the Book of Job) or just a half-time Satan (if they're the really
} nasty kind from the New Testament), a Cthulu, and a Shivering Jemmy.
} This was originally due to contract requirements, but has since been
} enshrined by Affirmative Action programs, which go on to state that
} one of the Jesi can be replaced by a Zarathustra in some states.
} Really big organizations require to hire at least three of the Endless,
} a Zeus, and any two of an Aphrodite, Ishtar, Ra, Isis, Bast, Sutekh,
} Quetzqoatl, or Bob on full-time or any five of them half-time.
} And finally, gigantic organizations, like the Global Internet,
} require an Oracle: c'est moi.
} Needless to say, you don't hear much about these antiquated quotae,
} despite the strong anti-quota feeling in modern corporate and
} government circles, because of the tremendous possibilities for
} disaster should any of the registered, card-carrying members of the
} DDU actually choose to strike.  Among other things, it's hard to get
} scabs to fill in for us when they keep getting *ZOT*ted.
} All of this came about in the last century or so, when it was realized
} that Deities were increasing on the unemployment lines because of
} a lack of serious worshippers. After a series of crises with the
} management of various corporations, the Deities and Daemons began
} to organize collective bargaining units which eventually united into
} the DDU.
} Most corporations recognize that there are significant advantages to
} having these entities on your staff - not least of which being that
} most of them don't need health plans, and don't plan to retire any
} time soon. In addition, many of them are hard workers, with long
} centuries of experience to help their companies prosper. I mean,
} look at Microsoft. You just *know* they wouldn't be doing nearly as
} well if they didn't have a few good card-carrying Satans, Cthulus,
} and Shivering Jemmys on their pay-roll.
} You owe the Oracle a better contract.

1176-03    (5ilf8 dist, 3.0 mean)
Selected-By: Alyce Wilson <shantipoet@yahoo.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> O Oracle, O Oracle! O amber waves of brain. etc.
> What movie should I go and see this Friday?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Forget going to the theater! Rent films instead and charge yourself
} ten bucks to microwave a bag of popcorn. The Oracle is going to
} tell you what films you should rent for the next ten Fridays. Now
} just as wise Plutrach took my advice and always wrote his bio-
} graphies to be compare and contrasts of two people's lives since
} nothing can be understood in isolation, the Oracle offers up his
} film choices in pairs that should be viewed back to back in one
} setting. Enjoy!
} 10) Disney's Original Fantasia and Dumbo, Wow, anyone that some
}     how still thinks Walt hung out with Huxley yet never did
}     mescaline will have their mind changed after viewing these
}     two acid classics. The Ghost Mountain imagery at the end
}     of Fantasia is like a Brugel nightmare on film. Drugs not
}     needed, fun for the whole family.
} 09) Brazil and Fight Club, Brazil shows you the future of mankind,
}     Fight Club is Brazil with blood. In fact Fight Club wants to
}     be the antidote to the world of Brazil -through- blood. The
}     scariest thing in either film? Meat Loaf with tits! NOOOO!
} 08) Casa Blanca and Treasure of the Sierra Madre.  Reasons? I
}     don't need to give you no stinkin' reasons!
} 07) Mona Lisa and American Beauty. What is love?  What is sex?
}     You'll have no idea after seeing these two films, but you'll
}     spend days wondering why, in a good way.
} 06) Lynch's Lost Highway and Wild at Heart.  Reality as malleable
}     plastic that never really goes back to the right shape again.
}     Wild at Heart's turning of The Wizard of Oz into a seedy bar
}     and armed robbery film is disturbing to say the least. As for
}     Lost Highway, Mr. Eddy rocks! You'll never forget him.
} 05) The Ruling Class (with Peter O'Toole) and the Japanese classic
}     Ran. Ran is King Lear set in samurai Japan.  Too weird for
}     words, which is why it has subtitles, go figure. The Ruling
}     Class is the longest film you'll ever sit though not knowing
}     why you did so willingly. Combined running time close to
}     six hours.
} 04) Monty Python's Life of Brian and The Holy Grail. Silly to
}     perfection. You'll be babbling incomprehensible nonsense for
}     days, but everyone around you will be laughing. Go with it.
} 03) Reservoir Dogs and River's Edge. Is death a big deal? Ask
}     yourself this before and after each film.
} 02) Woodstock and Gimme Shelter. See Woodstock first, see how
}     the summer of love began. Then see Gimme Shelter and watch
}     it get beaten to death with a pool cue.
} 01) MASH and Catch-22. War at it's finest. Tell the bombardier!
} You owe the Oracle ten dollar and some popcorn.

1176-04    (0aoif dist, 3.6 mean)
Selected-By: Mike Nolan <nolan@celery.tssi.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Right then, here's the list so far....
> You owe the Oracle a ring
> You owe The Oracle photographs from your next fish party.
> You owe the Oracle new batteries for the remote.
> You owe the Oracle any spare parts you may not need in the near future.
> You owe the oracle a faster notebook
> You owe the Oracle some stove-top stuffing.
> You owe the Oracle a diploma.
> You owe the Oracle a better equation.
> You owe the Oracle the shirt off your back.
> You owe the Oracle the manual for your computer - - you apparently
> don't have any use for it.
> You owe the Oracle a rhyme for omnipotent.
> You owe the Oracle a retractable antenna.
> You owe the Oracle the word "Back-up" written in Indian Ink.
> You owe the Oracle some cat paws.
> You owe the Oracle the words to the Captain Density Theme Song.
> You owe the oracle a prompt he can deal with better late on a Thursday
> afternoon.
> You owe the Oracle a political rally.
> You owe the Oracle a loofah.
> You owe the oracle some french bread and a bottle of Beaujolais to
> complete it's picnic.
> You owe the Oracle a good, hard, slow neckrub.
> You owe the Oracle a pint of Exxon.
> You owe the Oracle some prescription mirrored shades.
> You owe the Oracle some baby Swiss
> You owe the Oracle a way to convince the rest of America that no matter
> what Pink Flyod said, there is no Dark Side of the Moon.
> You owe the Oracle an infinite loop not involving the Supernatural.
> You owe the Oracle front row tickets for the Undertaker's comback
> match. You owe the Oracle 128 hours of overtime.
> You owe the Oracle a big juicy steak.
> You owe the Oracle a copy of MS Bounty Hunter 98 Deluxe, Version 3.3,
> on CD-ROM.
> You owe the Oracle a sheepskin seat cover
> You owe the Oracle some 4D ascii art
> You owe the Oracle something a bit harder to foretell.
> You owe the Oracle a hand-delivered apology to Richard Wilson and New
> Scientist.
> You owe the Oracle a copy of the Slovakian football anthem CD.
> You owe the Oracle a question that you haven't asked yet.
> You owe the Oracle a fugue in the key of F Major.
> You owe the Oracle a subscription to the Limbo Listserv.
> You owe the Oracle a promise to stop calling him "froody", for the love
> of God.
> You owe the Oracle the _Medicine of Star Trek_ book.
> You owe the Oracle a seeing eye skunk.
> You owe the Oracle a Post-It Notes (TM) pad.
> You owe the Oracle a lint roller to get this hair out of my labcoat.
> You owe the Oracle a Cheddar-O-Matic 2061 and three cows.
> You owe the Oracle a case of Fosters Lager and a bottle of Aspirin.
> Well, the truck is out front....Where do you want all this stuff?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} New York (AP) World Panic Continues as things continue to disappear.
} This morning when the citizens of New York woke up they were greeted
} with the latest instance of 'The Great Disappearing' to hit the
} world. The left arm of The Statue of Liberty was missing. As usual
} no one knows where the item went, or why it was taken. The arm is yet
} one more item to vanish from the face of the Earth over the last two
} months. Scientists and police alike are baffled. Not only have items
} of great value, such as the Mona Lisa and all the world's panda bears
} vanished, but also items of note but no worth, such as Prince Charles'
} ears and 42 percent of the stoplights on the island of Maui. Panic
} grows as. . .
} [ The Oracle sets down the morning paper and takes another sip
}   of the finest coffee in the universe from a china cup once
}   used by Catherine the Great. ]
} Orrie: Hee, hee. Dang, I should have thought of hiring Lucifer
}        and his boys to act as my collection agency centuries
}        ago. Even with his 25% cut off the top I'm still raking
}        it in.
} [ Zadoc rushes in and falls to the floor. Zadoc is wearing an
}   Armani silk suit, four gold Rolexes and a pair of blue suede
}   shoes once owned by Elvis himself. ]
} Zadoc: Great one whose every utterance is like a coin of
}        infinite worth tossed into a fountain of joyous
}        enlightenment, the first of the day's tribute trucks
}        has arrived.
} Orrie: Very good worm, I'll be right down.

1176-05    (47kme dist, 3.5 mean)
Selected-By: "Paul L. Kelly" <bright.red.fish@mindspring.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Most morally upright & virtuous Oracle,
> How does one get out of a contract written in blood?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Sold our soul to Satan, have we? What,
} not Satan? Then who? Let's have a look at that contract. "I, the
} undersigned, freely and willingly submit my soul and any associated
} spiritual intangibles to H. Sleestack, Esq., Prince of Darkness..."
} Oh no, not again. Just hang on a moment, supplicant.
} [The Oracle mutters an incantation whilst fiddling with various buttons
} and levers on his console. Presently, an interdimensional portal opens
} and deposits two figures on the floor of the Oracular Chamber. One is
} tall and shifty-looking, the other short, round and wearing an
} expression of amiable befuddlement. Both are dressed in skivvy's
} clothing, flat caps and two days' growth of stubble.]
} Oracle: Hello, Harold, Sydney. What are you up to this time?
} Harry: Cripes, squire, yer don' wanner do that innerdimenshunal stuff
}   on people wivvout warnin'. We coulder been on the loo or sumfink!
} Syd: We's in the heternal souls bizness, Orrie.
} Harry: Shurrup, Syd.
} Syd: Sorry, 'Arry.
} Harry: Don' lissen ter 'im, guv. We ain't doin' nuffink. Straight up.
}   Yer must be finking of two ovver fellers.
} Oracle: Harry, I know you're buying souls. I've got one of your
}   suppliers here.
} Harry: Oh yeh, so yer 'as. Wotcher, mate! 'Ow's the prospect of
}   heverlarstin' torment lookin' terday? Still, yer gotter larf,
}   doncher?
} Oracle: Do tell me, I'm dying to know - why are you buying souls?
} Harry: It's a buyer's market at the mo, innit? Prices is rock-bottom!
}   It's not like the 80s no more. I mean, we got this geezer's soul fer
}   a song.
} Syd: Two porshuns of jellied eels an' chips ter be precise.
} Oracle: Letting it go a bit cheap, aren't you?
} Supplicant: I was really, really hungry.
} Syd: One of the porshuns was mine, too.
} Harry: I keeps tellin' yer, Syd - yer bizness ain't gonner get orff the
}   penny-an'-pound if yer don' hinvest in it.
} Oracle: What do you want with a bunch of souls, Harry?
} Harry: Strewf, innit hobvious? It's Harmageddon this millennyum, innit?
} Oracle: Of course, silly me.
} Harry: An', wiv a big job like that, they's gonner need subcontractors,
}   inney?
} Oracle: You're not putting in a bid to be the Antichrist?
} Harry: Nah, nah, nah, don' be daft!
} Oracle: Well, that's a relief.
} Harry: ...That'll be Syd in a Mephistorpheles cozzy.
} Syd: I'm rentin' it from the fancy dress shop dahn the 'igh street.
} Oracle: So how many souls have you got so far?
} Harry: Trade secret, that is!
} Syd: Free.
} Oracle: Three?
} Syd: Yeh. This surpplicant, busty Brenda dahn the Crown an' Ferret -
}   she wants ter be the 'Ore of Babylon - an' me. An' I ain't too
}   chuffed abaht that bit, 'Arry.
} Harry: Look, yer carn't expect the Troops of Midian ter foller yer
}   rahnd if yer ain't damned ter heternal perdition first, Syd. No
}   street cred, if yer gets me drift. They's very pertickerler abaht
}   that sorter fing.
} Oracle: I hate to be the one to break it to you, boys, but I don't
}   think a total of three slightly used souls is going to get you very
}   far in terms of running the global holocaust.
} Harry: Nah, nah, not global, yer silly old fillet of cod. We's got our
}   mincers on the local contract, in't we? I wants yer ter fink of me as
}   the 'Orseman of the Norf 'Ackney Hapockerlypse, like.
} Oracle: [rubbing his temples in a pained way] I can't say why exactly,
}   but the more I hear of this grand venture, the less I want to know.
} Syd: We's even gettin' our own seven seals!
} Harry: Well, they's sea lions really, but 'oo's ter know the diff, eh?
} Syd: They's not dodgy is they, 'Arry?
} Harry: Wiv Phil the Greek gettin' them for us? Corse they's dodgy!
}   Remember, we's gonner be negoshatin' wiv the Barons of 'Ades 'ere,
}   Syd - they wouldner wants it any ovver way, see?
} Oracle: Getting back to the real world for a moment, if that's not too
}   much to ask - I don't believe this contract is entirely valid.
} Harry: Corse it is! It's signed wiv blood an' all!
} Syd: My blood, as it 'appens.
} Harry: Well, wot was we surpposed ter do? That surpplicant is a right
}   squeamish woolly woofter.
} Oracle: Yes, but did you notice he signed his name "George W. Bush"?
} Harry: Stone the crows dahn the Old Kent Road!
} Oracle: Taking that, the dubious provenance of the blood and the
}   absence of any reliable witnesses into consideration (because, let's
}   face it, Harry - you don't know anybody remotely reliable), I think
}   it's safe to say the supplicant's soul is his own again.
} Harry: The connivin' git!
} Syd: Does that mean 'e 'as ter pay me fer me jellied eels an' chips?
} Harry: Wot am I surpposed ter do wiv jus' two souls?
} Oracle: You could always repair your shoes.
} Syd: Har har har! That's good, that is!
} Harry: Shurrup, Syd.
} Syd: Sorry, 'Arry.
} Oracle: Goodbye, boys.
} [The Oracle begins muttering another incantation and fiddling with the
} buttons and levers on his console.]
} Syd: So 'oo's this George W. Bush geezer?
} Harry: 'E's a hactor, inne? 'E was in that film, "Oh God".
} [The interdimensional portal closes, swallowing up our two would-be
} lords of misrule.]
} Well, let that be a lesson to you, supplicant - don't go selling your
} soul to just anyone you meet. Not for a portion of jellied eels,
} anyway.
} You owe the Oracle your eternal gratitude. Here, sign this agreement
} form on the dotted line. Oh, all right, use ketchup if you must!

1176-06    (6glf9 dist, 3.1 mean)
Selected-By: "BJ Backitis" <bjbackitis@mindspring.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Oracle most Olympic and Heroic Immortal, you are mighty in word
> and thought. The Oracle is the Big Pen that halts all swords dead
> in their tracks. The Oracle is clear-sighted. The Oracle does not
> have dog breath.
> After the Tech Stocks have run their course, which stocks will
> be hot?
> Thank you, Kind Oracle.

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} I'd invest in Tech Stock trading cards, to be released by the Upper
} Deck after the bottom falls out of the market in the Blue Screen of
} Death in 2006.  They come with neat holograms that show the NASDAQ
} falling as you move it back and forth.  Never underestimate the ability
} of shiny things entertaining the average American.
} You owe the Oracle a 1996 Amazon.com rookie card.

1176-07    (6jnc7 dist, 2.9 mean)
Selected-By: "Kirsten R. Chevalier" <krc@erythrea.wellesley.edu>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Most clever Oracle, your wisdom is like an enormous burst of
> electromagnetic energy on a gloomy day,
> How can I make my weekly trips to the grocery store less boring?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} 10 Ways to make grocery shopping less boring:
} 1) Ask the checkout-girl to marry you.
} 2) Buy the following items: a roll of duct-tape, a tube of KY-Jelly, a
} box of hamster food, a large box of condoms. Pay for them separately.
} 3) Talk to the canned vegetables.
} 4) Ask the bag-boy to marry you.
} 5) Get about 50-60 items. Ring up each item on a separate ticket.
} 6) Same as #5 except use the express lane.
} 7) Ask the checkout girl to marry the bag-boy.
} 8) Start a protest rally against the unethical treatment of cheese.
} 9) Pick someone at random. Follow them around the store. Buy exactly
} what they buy.
} 10) Strip off your clothes and run screaming through the aisles.
} You owe the Oracle a lifetime supply of butt-wax.

1176-08    (39hik dist, 3.6 mean)
Selected-By: Otis Viles <drey@speakeasy.org>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> ------=_NextPart_000_005C_01BFFCD1.E8A8BC40
> Content-Type: text/plain;
>       charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Oh almighty Internet Oracle, please tell me, how much wood could a =
> woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
> ------=_NextPart_000_005C_01BFFCD1.E8A8BC40
> Content-Type: text/html;
>       charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
> <META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
> charset=3Diso-8859-1">
> <META content=3D"MSHTML 5.50.4134.600" name=3DGENERATOR>
> </HEAD>
> <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Oh almighty Internet Oracle, please =
> tell me, how=20
> much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck=20
> wood?</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
> ------=_NextPart_000_005C_01BFFCD1.E8A8BC40--

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} This is a multi-part message in MIME format
} -----Next Part
} Content Type: Text/Mime
}    O *                               O
}   \|/|                              \|/
}    | |                               |
}   / \|                              / \
}   The Internet Oracle         You
} -----Next Part
} Content Type: Text/Mime
}                          \
}                           \
}    O *                               O
}   \|/|                              \|/
}    | |                               |
}   / \|                              / \
}   The Internet Oracle         You
} -----Next Part
} Content Type: Text/Mime
}                          \
}                           \
}    O *                     --        O
}   \|/|                       \--\   \|/
}    | |                               |
}   / \|                              / \
}   The Internet Oracle         You
} -----Next Part
} Content Type: Text/Mime
}                          \
}                           \         \|/
}    O *                     --        O
}   \|/|                       \--\   |||
}    | |                           \-*ZOT*
}   / \|                              / \
}   The Internet Oracle         You
} ------Next Part
} Content Type: Text/Mime
}    O *
}   \|/|
}    | |
}   / \|                           \/___|O
}   The Internet Oracle         You
} ------Next Part
} Content Type: Text/Owed
} You owe the Oracle a dead mime.

1176-09    (9sk64 dist, 2.5 mean)
Selected-By: Ian Davis

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Oracle most wise,
> Did my Uncle Sam really kill his dad?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} That depends how you define "kill".
} If you mean, did he push your grandad out of the airplane without a
} parachute at 30000 feet and then watch him get sucked into the intake
} of a concorde, then yes, in some small way Uncle Sam is guilty.
} But if you mean, did he replace older traditions with newer ones in the
} course of natural evolution, then "kill" seems a little harsh.
} You owe the oracle an alibi
}  From the incarnation of The Lone Tomato

1176-10    (28wdc dist, 3.4 mean)
Selected-By: Mark Lawrence <lawrence.4@osu.edu>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Oracle most engaging and dynamic,
> How can I combat sloth?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Start by spraying all the surrounding trees with defoliant. Once the
} sloth's opportunity to sneak up on you under cover is gone, all the
} advantages are yours, as the creature is pathetically slow and
} incapable of handling any kind of weapon. I find finishing them off
} with a pump-action shotgun particularly satisfying.
} I should warn you, though, that sloth are not the biggest danger you
} are likely to encounter in the middle of the Neotropical jungle. I
} would have considered jaguars, anacondas, malaria mosquitoes, giant
} tarantula spiders and pygmies armed with poison darts more urgent
} priorities for combating. Still, whatever makes you feel secure.
} You owe the Oracle a three-toed lust.

© Copyright 1989-2025 The Internet OracleTM a Kinzler.com offering Contact oracle-web@internetoracle.org