> Oh Oracle, lodestone of my life, I hate to tell you this, but my
> faith is shattered.
> Witness the following transcript! Witness how I painstakingly
> mapped out a poetically epic outpouring of my soul, practically bleeding
> upon the page on which I wrote to you. Witness the heinous, moronic,
> utterly mindless lame reply which I have recieved:
> ------
> The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
> Your question was:
> > Oracle, when I first heard about you, I was very happy to know that
> > there was some way for me to share my deepest problems and questions
> > and having them resolved.
> >
> > Over the past few months, though, I've found that I've been mailing to
> > the Oracle more and more. The comfort from receiving such reassuring
> > answers is very reassuring; I find that almost my whole life depends
> > on that comfort, now. And, so, Oracle, I pose to you my first double
> > question:
> >
> > 1) Is this oracle-devotion bad?
> >
> > 2) May I go to the bathroom now? I've been waiting for days.
> >
> > Thank you. Oh please, please, please, please answer quickly....
> >
> > With legs crossed,
> > Devotee
> And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
> } 1) No, it isn't bad unless yo overload the heaven links
> } and yes, you can go to the bathroom now...
> }
> } (please wash your hands after)
> -------
> Yea, verily, Oricale, both these questions were very important
> to me; now I feel violated. Hence, now, I pose to you another double
> question:
> 1) Have my long months of faith been spent in vain?
> 2) Was that last response sent by The True Oracle, or did some shmuck
> intercept my message?
> With shoes untied,
> Devotee