} You may have heard of the old phrase, "There is no such thing as a free
} lunch." Quite some time ago, I proved this quite untrue, and you have
} just done so again. Not only do you get a free lunch (on the plane),
} but a free hotel room, free food, free ground transportation, and if you
} end up in a REALLY good hotel, free movies.
} It is your job as a prospective employee to spend as much of their money
} as possible. This way, they'll get a feel for your habits (translated--
} expensive tastes), which will show them that you would NOT make a good
} employee after all, and they'll end up hiring someone else. This is the
} only way to satisfy all parties involved: You get a free vacation, and
} they will feel like they've invested some good time and money to find
} out that you really WOULDN'T work out, which is much better to them than
} hiring a bad candidate. Finally, your moral obligations are satisfied
} because they will have refused YOU, and not the other way around.
} In summary, "Take the trip and act like a jerk."
} You owe the oracle a hotel ashtray.