} Sadly, no. You see, in these early years of the twenty-first century,
} "outcasts" and "outlaws" are just grist for the devouring, greedy
} mill that is public relations in Hollywood today. Once, James Dean
} could be called a "Rebel" and have media attention but now -- the
} drive to be outside the system is so pernacious that a whole new
} system has been built around being an outsider.
} Therefore, Outcasts have very specific guidelines and union
} regulations to follow. You have to specifically adopt a concentration
} (some popular ones include "goth wannabe," "cynical drug user," and
} "quiet man, polite to his folks, I'm stunned he killed all those
} people, officer") and follow misanthropic behavioral patterns, such
} as beating up photographers or sleeping with Danny Bonaduce.
} Outlaws, on the other hand, have to be "mavericks, willing to buck
} the system"<tm>, and that requires so much support and backup that
} most outlaws need corporate sponsorship. So, "Sony's Quentin
} Tarentino" and "Starbucks Presents Oliver Stone," for example, have
} reputations of willful pride and bitter, cynical free thinking,
} because those things push product, man!
} Musically, of course, it's hard to forget that the most original and
} talented freethinking alternative music artist in the last several
} years, Moby, has sold out or licensed every piece of music he's ever
} recorded, most multiple times, and that this in turn made him popular
} with the kids.
} The really depressing part of this whole response is that the last
} paragraph is true.
} You owe the Oracle a new album by Bob Dylan and Neil Young.