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Internet Oracularities #1210

1210, 1210-01, 1210-02, 1210-03, 1210-04, 1210-05, 1210-06, 1210-07, 1210-08, 1210-09, 1210-10

Internet Oracularities #1210    (50 votes, 2.9 mean)
Compiled-By: Steve Kinzler <kinzler@cs.indiana.edu>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 09:25:52 -0500 (EST)

To find out all about the Internet Oracle (TM), including how to
participate, send mail to oracle@cs.indiana.edu with the word "help"
in the subject line.  ("Internet Oracle" is a trademark of Stephen
B Kinzler.)

Let us know what you like!  Send your ratings of these 10 Oracularities
on an integer scale of 1 ("very poor") to 5 ("very good") with the
volume number to oracle-vote@cs.indiana.edu (probably just reply to this
message).  For example:
   2 1 3 4 3   5 3 3 4 1

1210  50 votes 0ahh6 1fna1 jm720 57q75 35heb bbk62 5bl94 4fia3 39bha 5fga4
1210  2.9 mean  3.4   2.9   1.8   3.0   3.5   2.5   2.9   2.9   3.4   2.9

1210-01    (0ahh6 dist, 3.4 mean)
Selected-By: Dave Hemming <surfbaud@waverider.co.uk>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Oracle Most Tactful,
> Where is the best place to bury this chest?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Under three thick jumpers (sweaters) and a tight girdle.
} But honestly, it's a lovely chest. Full, rounded, and
} well-proportioned.  Don't hide it - be proud of it. I would be if it
} were Lisa's. Or even mine. I'd show it off, uncovered, out for all
} to see.
} You owe the Oracle all the other treasure-boxes you're hiding in that
} clothing drawer.  And a better view of that chest. that's better -
} turn around so we can see it. Such lovely wood. Such beautiful brass
} bindings. It's really far to pretty to go into the bottom of your
} closet under all those old clothes.

1210-02    (1fna1 dist, 2.9 mean)
Selected-By: MVSOPEN@aol.com

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Behold the Oracle, the sight of whom is more romantic than watching the
> sun setting over the ocean in a tub of whipped cream.
> I seem to be in Love for the first time, suddenly all the songs on the
> radio make sense and I can watch Hugh Grant mumble illegible nonsense
> to Julia Roberts without throwing up my popcorn.
> Why wasn't I warned about these drawbacks in advance?
> I might have had myself fixed with a rusty hedge clipper had I known!

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Don't worry, these are only temporary.
} Reality will once again be normal after the wedding.

1210-03    (jm720 dist, 1.8 mean)
Selected-By: Ross Clement <R.P.Clement@westminster.ac.uk>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Hello, i'm looking for a Mr. Og.
> I'm from Reader's Digest.
> He's won won the sweepstakes.
> No, you may not collect it for him.
> Look, i've got an oversize novelty cardboard check here for Mr. Og and
> i mean to give it to him...

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Dear Sir, Madam
} My name is W.Retched, lawyer in U-A-RO- X6 and RT& and I am writing on
} behalf of Doctor Og. The Oracle has mailed my client that a letter
} addressed to my client was mistakenly posted to his address. Regarding
} The Oracle's complaints of misspelling and/or threats in this letter
} mistakenly address to him/her  I would gladly point you to my confrere
} B.Eelzebub as he is spokesman of The Oracle. He will contact you soon
} about finding a plausible solution.
} However, Doctor Og has told me to (and I quote now) "Tell that half
} witted, run of the mill piss ant excuse of a lower life form that he
} can eat his cardboard with jalapeno peppers and wait till it hurts".
} It is painfully clear to Doctor Og that a lot of people still think of
} him as the retarded Neanderthal man he used to be. However, after an
} encounter with Dr. Apmats of Lithuania last summer and the successful
} implant of the brain of the late Sir Hopkins (also know as Hannibal) Dr
} Og considers himself enough of 'human quality".
} As for damages, Doctor Og has expressed his concern for possible
} erroneous articles in the press about this incident and therefore is
} inviting you for a late night supper to patch things up.
} Regards,
} W.Retched

1210-04    (57q75 dist, 3.0 mean)
Selected-By: "BJ" <km4rb@tampabay.rr.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> O Oracle most psychomorphic and heterotropic,
>     Is there a proper subvariety of the variety of lattices in which
> all epimorphisms are surjective?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} [Wide shot of a desk, where the narrator, an avuncular looking man
} wearing a white coat, is watching a video playing. The video clearly
} features a younger version of the same man.]
} Man in Video: [reacting to an incoming email] Oh no! A math question!
} Aiiiiggghhhh!!  [Looks down] Uh oh.
} [The narrator chuckles and reaches forward to turn off the video.]
} Narrator: [Turning to the camera] You know, like many people, I used to
} react with hysterical, pants-wetting panic when faced with a complex
} mathematical question.  But I overcame my problem. and you can too,
} with the amazing new EZ-MATH (tm), from the dedicated scientists at
} Oracle Industries.
} Let me show you how it works.  The EZ-MATH (tm) translator will take
} any mathematical question, no matter how difficult or obscure, and turn
} it into a question so simple that any moron can answer it.
} [Cut to a man dressed in a suit, who strangely resembles a chimpanzee.
} The caption reads "Senior U.S. Government Official".]
} SGO: It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it.
} Narrator: A classic case.  Let's try the unchanged version first. Say,
} Mr Pres--I mean, Mr. "Government Official". Is there a proper
} subvariety of the variety of lattices in which all epimorphisms are
} surjective?
} SGO: Aiiiiiiiigggghhhh!!!!  [Looks down, then looks offscreen.] Mr.
} Cheney, it happened again!
} Narrator: Now let's try the EZ-MATH (tm) version. Mr. Official, how
} many letters in the word "set"?
} SGO: [wearing a different suit] We ought to make the pie higher.
} Narrator: Okay, so clearly this doesn't work when the subject is a
} drug-addled loon. But for most people, EZ-MATH (tm) is the way to end
} math anxiety forever!
} That's EZ-MATH (tm) available now at retailer near you!
} You owe the Oracle a jumbo-sized box of Depends.

1210-05    (35heb dist, 3.5 mean)
Selected-By: "Paul L. Kelly" <bright.red.fish@mindspring.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Done.
> The Nostalgia Oracle: A Vision of the Horrific Past
> Version 2 / Serial Number 110879
> > LOOK
> You're in a small bedroom. A door leads to the north. There is a poster
> hanging on the wall, a large dresser with a mirror (which is covered
> with cut out items from fanzines), and a bed here. A small Disco Ball,
> a Pet Rock, and a record player is on the dresser. There is a large
> collection of records and 8-track tapes under the bed.
> There is also a rip in the fabric of space and time to the south.
> You are empty handed.
> John Travolta. In polyester. On a dance floor. There isn't a lot more
> to say. There is another poster under it, though.
> The poster underneath is badly torn. You can barely make out the words
> "EP ON TRUC"; the rest is incomprehensible.
> That sentence isn't one I recognize.
> It's glowing vaguely. Who knows where it leads?
> Disco Ball: Taken.
> Pet Rock: Taken
> Record Player: You can't take that!
> Poster: Are you sure you want to take that? [Yes/No]
> > NO
> Records: You'll have to be specific, there are too many to pick up now.
> 8-Track Tapes: No. They frighten you, for reasons you can't put words
> to.
> [Assuming you mean the 8-Track Tapes]
> Underneath is a collection of Atari 2600 cartridges, and a Captain
> Crunch plastic whistle.
> Taken.
> The rip is dimming.
> You see a white column of light, with blue on both sides. Numbers pass
> by; 1979, 1980, 1981, and from there, you can't make it out anymore,
> until it slows down again; 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989... and then it stops.
> Living Room
> There isn't a lot here. A couch, a TV, a VCR recorder, a Rubik's Cube,
> an NES, a CD player connected to a stereo system, a bookshelf, and not
> much else. There is a large archway, leading to the east.
> There is also a rip in the fabric of space and time here.
> >

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

}  +------+ 1
}  | 1979 |
}  +------+
}      |
}      |
}  +-------------+ 2  +---------+ 3
}  |    1989     |----|  1989   |
}  | Living Room |    | Bedroom |
}  +-------------+    +---------+
}         \
}          \
}  +-------------+ 4  +---------+ 5
}  |    1999     |----|  1999   |
}  | Living Room |    | Bedroom |
}  +-------------+    +---------+
}         \
}          \
}     +--------+ 6
}     |  Nexus |
}     +--------+
} 1. Move Tapes. Get all but poster.  Enter Rift.
} 2. Get Cube.  Solve Cube.  Solve Cube.  Throw Cube.  Put cartridges in
} wall. Use Rock on NES.  Examine NES.  Get RF Shield.  Move couch.  Get
} cash.  Get CD Player.  E.
} 3. Look Bed.  Drop all.  Enter Bed.  Make love.  Get all but cash and
} phone. Dial Switzerland with phone.  Use Whistle.  Broker, buy Netscape.
} Broker, buy AOL.  Drop phone.  W.  Enter Rift.
} 4. Use RF Shield on celphone.  Use celphone.  Broker, sell all.  Broker,
} buy Viagra.  Examine computer.  Use Computer.  Ebay.com.  Throw
} celphone. Examine wall.  Get cartridges.  Sell cartidges on computer.
} Use Computer. Bank.com.  Use printer.  Get balance sheet. E.  (For a
} cute easter-egg, type "Quake2" instead of "Bank.com".)
} 5. Look Bed.  Drop all.  Enter bed.  Exit bed.  Get Disco Ball.  Use
} Disco Ball.  Up.  Use CD Player.  Nine Inch Nails.  Get Balance Sheet.
} Get condom.  Enter bed.  Use condom.  Make Love.  Show Balance Sheet.
} Make Love.  Exit bed.  Get wristwatch.  W.  XYZZY.  Enter Rift.
} 6. Look.  Examine Oracle.  Time Is Money.  Use watch.  Get life.
} You owe the Oracle a copy of Scott Adam's only ever shoot-em-up game.

1210-06    (bbk62 dist, 2.5 mean)
Selected-By: Ian Davis

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Oh, the queue has pretty jokes dear
> And it shows them, paper white
> Just an in-joke, has Thagernon, dear
> And he keeps it way out of sight
> When that queue bites, with his puns, dear
> Silent groans begin to spread
> Fancy gags though, has Thagernon, dear
> So there's never, never a trace of dread
> On the Network, one Sunday morning
> Lies an in-joke, once quite loved
> Someone sneaking, around the corner
> Could that someone, be Thag the Club?
> [Hey, at least it's better then Bobbie Darin's hack job on the song, to
> say nothing of The Door's cover version...]

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} It's a quarter to three,
} There's no one in the queue except you and me.
} So, set 'em up Joe, I've got a little story that you oughta know.
} We're drinkin' my friend, to the end of a beloved in-joke,
} Make it one for my Thaggie and one more for the rhod ...
} I got the tell me, so it's up to me to put together the scene,
} I'm writing the gags, trying to fit in Lisa and Zadoc and Thag
} But it's just a bore, been done before, a punchline everyone knows
} So make it one for my Thaggie, and one more for the rhod ...
} You probably know it, but I'm not much of a poet,
} And I have no more Thag jokes to say
} And Lisa and Zadoc, just give me a headach
} And why won't Og go away?
} Well that's how it goes and Joe, I know you're gettin' anxious to close
} So, thanks for the post, but you shouldn't be stirring up ghosts
} This joke that you love must be shoved to the side or I will explode
} So, make it one for my Thaggie and one more for the rhod ...
} You owe the Oracle a bottle of your best stuff, baby.

1210-07    (5bl94 dist, 2.9 mean)
Selected-By: Ian Davis

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Wonderful and majestic is the Oracle, an Internet without him would
> be like a spay without son power,
> Do refrigerators harbor malice?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} The Oracle is assuming that you mean 'sun' instead of son power. If
} not, then you should contact the Oracle via secured lines and tell it
} about your masterful idea to use sons for heating buildings, running
} cars and doing the laundry.
} Back to your question then. Of course do refrigerators harbour malice.
} It is even common knowledge to all sane people on this planet. The
} Oracle wonders where you've been hiding all these years. You do know
} that G. Double You is now president of the USA? No? Hmmm, you do know
} that we use Buddha's as target practice these days? No? Hmmm, you know
} that Chesty Morgan made a gem in the filming industry by starring in
} 'Deadly Weapons' around the early seventies? Yes? Fine, than we have a
} clear picture of your mental state of mind.
} I'm not going to ask you about the clear signs of violence emanating
} from the fridges these days. I hope that this fact is known to you. But
} for your reassurance the Oracle will provide you a 'symbolic' list.
} Ten signs that refrigerators harbour malice and are even evil to the
} bones
} 1)  The light goes out..... (Yes, that's the spooky part)
} 2)  Ever felt the back of the refrigerator? It's HOT, HOT, HOT (clearly
} a sign of hidden anger)
} 3)  That humming sound, hour after hour, suddenly stopping to a halt
} with a <CLOINK>
} 4)  The shudder after the humming sound, if you look carefully you'll
} see that the whole object moves a bit to the front
} 5)  The inhuman ability to create icecubes at will (how cold a heart a
} refrigerator must have)
} 6)  The fact that Northern American refrigerators are as big as a
} middle class European car, it seems you can stuff a corpse in it
} without losing room for eggs and milk
} 7)  The prominent role of refrigerators in sitcoms and comedies
} involving dysfunctional American families. Every single time a
} character opens the fridge doors a humongous flask or bag or jar
} appears out of nowhere
} 8)  The nagging feeling you have that that tuna sandwich was in your
} fridge an hour ago and you can't find it anymore
} 9)  The tremendous shock when after two months you find your missing
} tuna sandwich in your vegetable drawer, covered with green or yellow
} ooze, hard as a rock and stinking like hell. The fact that you are
} absolutely sure that you did check the vegetable drawer makes it more
} uncomfortable
} And the number one reason that refrigerators harbour malice
} 10)  They are secretly conspiring in a global plot to off mankind from
} this planet by creating big holes in the protective ozone layer
} So you see, there you have it, a pearl of knowledge from the Oracle.
} The Oracle suggests that you ditch your fridge and just eat all the
} food that you buy immediately and refrain from the nagging temptation
} to even buy a freezer.
} You owe the Oracle a mint copy of  'Double Agent 73', a litre of walnut
} ice and two spoons.

1210-08    (4fia3 dist, 2.9 mean)
Selected-By: "Tim Chew" <twchew@mindspring.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Highly esteemed Oracle, nothing is of greater significance or
> importance than you!  Your ideas are like a metallic gauze,
> a curtain of protecting wire, around the illicit, dangerous
> fire of dumbness that we humans dance beside in glee,
> Aren't outcasts and outlaws the only ones by definition that
> can think for themselves?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Sadly, no. You see, in these early years of the twenty-first century,
} "outcasts" and "outlaws" are just grist for the devouring, greedy
} mill that is public relations in Hollywood today. Once, James Dean
} could be called a "Rebel" and have media attention but now -- the
} drive to be outside the system is so pernacious that a whole new
} system has been built around being an outsider.
} Therefore, Outcasts have very specific guidelines and union
} regulations to follow. You have to specifically adopt a concentration
} (some popular ones include "goth wannabe," "cynical drug user," and
} "quiet man, polite to his folks, I'm stunned he killed all those
} people, officer") and follow misanthropic behavioral patterns, such
} as beating up photographers or sleeping with Danny Bonaduce.
} Outlaws, on the other hand, have to be "mavericks, willing to buck
} the system"<tm>, and that requires so much support and backup that
} most outlaws need corporate sponsorship. So, "Sony's Quentin
} Tarentino" and "Starbucks Presents Oliver Stone," for example, have
} reputations of willful pride and bitter, cynical free thinking,
} because those things push product, man!
} Musically, of course, it's hard to forget that the most original and
} talented freethinking alternative music artist in the last several
} years, Moby, has sold out or licensed every piece of music he's ever
} recorded, most multiple times, and that this in turn made him popular
} with the kids.
} The really depressing part of this whole response is that the last
} paragraph is true.
} You owe the Oracle a new album by Bob Dylan and Neil Young.

1210-09    (39bha dist, 3.4 mean)
Selected-By: Ian Davis

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> I move about in a bowed, prostrate position, gripped with fear and
> humility in your divine presence,
> Why do some people play games wrong deliberately?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Because there just aren't enough games written to involve alcohol and
} nudity.
} Now, right hand on red or lose the pants sweetheart.

1210-10    (5fga4 dist, 2.9 mean)
Selected-By: Ian Davis

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Orrie-chan,
>     We can dance, if we want to.  We can leave your friends behind...
> because your friends don't dance, and if they don't dance, well,
> they're no friends of MINE!

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} The victims of Sydenham's Chorea tried to put the best face on their
} situation, just as many victims of other diseases did, but it was
} the way they put it to music that set them apart from others.
} You owe the Oracle a triptych of St. Vitus.

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