} The human being passes through three phases, all of which contribute to
} war in the world. The "ME" "US" and "THEM." phases.
} During the first, or "ME" phase, each think only of ourselves. You try
} to get exactly what you want however you can. You wheedle, cajole,
} lie, cheat, steal, what have you. For most this phase lasts just a bit
} longer than it takes your parents to throw you out. But for some, it
} lasts indefinitely, possibly your whole life. These are the people you
} choose as leaders. Not because you particularly want them to be
} leaders, just to get them out of the way. Better they're lying to,
} cheating, and stealing from other groups than from yours. And maybe,
} they might throw you a few scraps along the way. Probably not, but you
} never know.
} Which brings us to "US." After your parents throw you out, you
} realise that everyone else is only after the same thing you are. Some
} of you form groups. Cliques, Gangs, Fraternities, Sororities,
} Political Parties, Factions, Ethnic groups, Countries, what have you.
} You form these groups on the principle that it's easier for a group of
} fifty to steal fifty portions of food from fifty individuals than it is
} for one individual to steal one portion of food from another. However,
} this life is a little tough, and you eventually get old. As do the
} people you're stealing from. Eventually you realise you need to come
} to a more formal arrangement.
} Which brings us to the "THEM" phase. This is the phase where you rely
} on others to do your fighting for you. The groups that have done well
} in the "US" phase will have built up a lot of "stuff," money, drugs,
} power, muscle, children, connections, what have you. Whereas the
} groups that have done poorly in the "US" phase will have built up a lot
} of emotions: anger, resentment, jealosy, pride, mistrust. You then
} pass these things on...ideally to your children, but really, to anyone
} else you can get your hands on. Anyone young, strong, idealistic,
} stupid, brave, compassionate, greedy, generous, what have you. Just as
} they're realising they would be smarter to be part of a group, you
} provide them a group to join. And then you sit back and watch them.
} And go all misty (or if you're Jewish, get all verklempt) as they
} follow exactly in your footsteps. And so the cycle continues.
} There are rumours of a forth phase, called "NOONE" or "ENLIGHTENMENT."
} This is the phase where you realise this is all a load of bollox, that
} people really could live in peace if the WANTED to, they just DON'T
} WANT TO. Most of you know little about this phase, because people who
} achieve it don't seem to last very long. For some reason it tends to
} lead to apathy, failure, disllusionment, depression, treatment, drugs,
} debt, suicide, what have you. Most of you steer well clear of this
} phase. It just sounds like one big downer.
} And that's it, really. You're afraid. Afraid of apathy, failure, what
} have you. You're afraid that if you stop fighting first, you'll lose,
} and the other guy will win. Or worse yet, that when you stop fighting
} there will be nothing left to do. Plain and simple.
} Almost makes you want to give it all up as a load of crap doesn't it?
} But that doughnut really does look good doesn't it?
} And don't worry about the jelly. I left plent of it for you.
} You owe the Oracle a Master's Degree in Philosophy.