} You bet karma is real, my dear supplicant. Your every action will
} either build or deplete your karma.
} For example:
} Letting someone go ahead of you in traffic when you didn't need
} to: +1d6 karma
} Cutting somebody off: -1d6 karma
} Giving to a worthwhile charity: +3d6 karma
} Giving to the Republican party (not talking about taxes here,
} either): -3d6 karma
} Bombing and/or embargoing a third-world country into ruins: -6d1764
} karma (That's right, roll six 1,764-sided dice. God not only does play
} dice with the Universe, but he owns a really l33t gaming store.)
} Resisting the temptation to give money and/or arms to shady guerrilla
} leaders or dictators in the first place so they never come back to
} bite you in the ass: +6d6 karma (C'mon, we don't give huge bonuses for
} obvious decisions)
} Solving a long outstanding mathematical or scientific problem: +8d42
} karma
} That has immediate or long-term benefits for mankind: +8d716 karma
} That's actually just a new innovation in advertising: -42d1000 karma
} Making "All your base" jokes: -2d4 karma
} Writing a worthwhile oracularity: +2d4 karma
} Asking about woodchucks: -3d1000 karma
} And so on, et hoc genus omne.
} Then, at the end of your life, if you've yet to achieve the kind of
} transcendent inner knowledge that Buddha, Lao-tse or Chris Farley
} possessed, how much karma you have determines how you get
} reincarnated. If you're in the positives, you come back as something
} better - say, a great teacher, or a dolphin, or a masseuse at an
} exclusive resort for super-models. If you're in the negatives, then
} obviously you have many lessons yet to learn, so you come back as the
} same thing or worse. Say, a database programmer, sea cucumber, or some
} kind of vole.
} I shudder to think what Zadoc did in his previous lives.
} You owe the Oracle Culture Club's greatest hits on vinyl. *Red* vinyl.