} There's a flaw in your logic: you assume that there are two categories,
} human and animal, and cannibalism is eating the flesh of other members
} of the eater's own category.
} This is not far off from the working definition of cannibalism (as I'll
} explain later), but the flaw is in making categories that are too
} inclusive. Non-humans eat other non-humans without remorse, even
} without table salt, but it's not considered cannibalism by anyone other
} than the most extreme (and hilarious) vegetarians.
} Cannibalism is usually defined as "eating the flesh of one of your own
} species and/or tribe." The definition of 'tribe' is certainly
} subjective, and can be fluid, but it accurately gets the idea across of
} why you can't feed your daughter roast leg of Spot. I'm also using it
} to illustrate why feasting on the beating heart of your opponent is
} not only permissible but encouraged in primitive warlike cultures like
} the Incas, the bushmen of Zaire, or the New York Stock Exchange.
} Cannibalism and incest are called the two 'universal taboos' of
} anthropology, but one might say that it's also a result of evolution:
} those people and animals who eat the dead of their own herd/tribe tend
} to suffer afflictions like Mad Cow Disease (UK cows unknowingly eating
} hamburger), kuru (the Fore tribe of Papua New Guinea), torches
} and pitchforks (the Sawney Bean "family"), staphylococcosis
} (w**dch*cks), and overwhelming self-importance (fashion designers),
} all of which hinders one's ability to survive.
} You owe the Oracle a chianti and some fava beans.