1305-02 (09jhb dist, 3.5 mean)
Selected-By: "Tim Chew" <twchew@mindspring.com>
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> Oh mighty, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent,
> omnivorous, all-seeing Internet Oracular master, saver of
> all, keeper of all wisdom, who spans the great infinity of
> space and time, who outshines any Snap-on tool, whose
> electronic wisdom I am unworthy even to ponder, whose Un*x
> knowledge surpasses even the most dedicated hacker. Oh
> most industrially illustrious, wonderful, marvelous,
> magnificent, and omnipotent Oracle, whose prowess knows no
> limits, drool is treasured like the mirth of eternal
> youth, I humbly implore thee to answer my cry...
> Who are the Web Masters and what powers do they have? Are
> they real or just another Internet legend?
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} The original Web Masters were, in fact, a particular breed of highly
} intelligent spiders. After crawling forth from the primordial soup,
} their communications technology continued to advance at a rapid pace.
} Eventually, they made the fateful discovery that spider silk is,
} in fact, a highly efficient material for fiber optic data transfer,
} and thus the Internet was born, instantly linking every Web Master
} in existence.
} A few years thereafter, the Web Masters made another fateful discovery:
} Internet Porn.
} In the ensuing period of near universal self-abuse, the entire Web
} Master species became extinct, and passed into the realm of legend.
} There are rumors that a small cabal of Web Masters still exists, out
} there somewhere, but since they have not yet found a way to build an
} RJ-45 interface cable using spider silk and bug carcasses, they are
} limited to 56k dial-up connections and therefore their existence is
} irrelevant to the modern Internet.
} You owe the Oracle a double helping of time flies.