} Certainly. The nickel belongs to a Mr. A. M. Chundragupta of Naples,
} Italy. He dropped it on an airplane while flying to Iowa on a business
} trip; a small boy (Joey 'the little brat' Martin) picked it up to play
} with it. Later said coin fell out of a hole in his pocket as he stood
} on a streetcorner. Rains washed the nickel (eventually) into the
} Missisippi, where it was eventually swallowed by a frog on accident.
} The nickel killed the frog, and as scavenger birds ate the carcass one
} of them got the coin stuck in his feathers. Then, as it was flying over
} a small Midwest town the coin fell out and onto the ground. That is
} where you found it.
} Unfortunately, Mr. Chundragupta does not have any postal access.
} Furthermore, he will be in Stuttgart, Germany for the next few weeks.
} In order to return his coin to him, you will need to purchase a round
} trip ticket to Stuttgart. Then, on Tuesday next, you will find him in a
} cafe called 'Die Obst' (don't ask why, you don't want to know) sitting
} alone at a table in the corner drinking a dark lager. You may return
} his coin to him then.
} Or, if you wish, you can give me the nickel and I'll return it to him
} when I see him this weekend. A.M. and I are on close terms, you see.
} You owe the Oracle a round-trip ticket to Stuttgart, Germany.