} This passage, taken from The Mbongo Settlesbroker Rulebook and Chow
} Mein Recipe List, 4th edition, should be of use to you. Enjoy.
} ----------
} S E T T L E S B R O K E R
} First, divide the players into two teams: the green team and the
} red team. Each team should have a captain and at least one other
} team member.
} Play starts when a slice of buttered toast is dropped from the
} fourth floor window of the nearest residential skyscraper by the
} captain of either team. Which captain does this is to be decided
} by dropping a similar piece of toast from a third floor window - if
} it lands buttered side up, the red team captain should ascend to the
} fourth floor. If not, the green team captain should instead ascend.
} The toast is then dropped a second time - if it lands buttered side
} up, the game is immediately called off and all players must emigrate
} to Roeun, France, to open a gourmet catering business.
} The red team begins by crying repeatedly "I'm a monkey! I'm a tree!",
} spinning on the spot three times between each cry. They must continue
} this until the green team must do thirty press-ups, or dive into the
} nearest pool of mud, whichever occurs first.
} The second stage of the game cannot begin until all players are
} wearing chicken costumes. The captains of each team must each delegate
} one member of the opposing team, the two of which must stand in the
} middle of a densely-populated area, calling for random Pokemon in loud,
} worried voices. Their teams score ten points for each different specie
} of Pokemon they can name before their opponent within a ten-minute
} period, but immediately forfeit all accumulated points should they
} become residents of the local asylum.
} In the third and final stage of the game, all players must eat as
} much mayonnaise as they can, scoring fifteen points for their team
} for each containerful they successfully empty. Six bonus points are
} available to each team member who changes their name to Fred.
} Note that after each game, it is traditional that all players on the
} winning team jump into the nearest river in celebration. But which
} team is indeed the winning team? This is open to speculation.
} ----------
} I hope this was useful, and brings you many happy hours of
} Settlesbroking fun.
} You owe the Oracle a video of yourself and your friends playing
} this game.