} I'll be glad to! And can you guess what I'm going to guess?
} Of course you can, because I'm infallible. So you know I'll guess right
} first time out. That's not a lot of fun though, is it? So instead,
} here's my evil twin, the Internet Notacle, and he's going to ask you to
} guess what he guesses you're going to ask me. You'll never guess what
} he guesses!
} I'm not your evil twin.
} It's just a figure of speech.
} I don't even know you. We've never met before.
} Then explain what you're doing living in my temple.
} This isn't your temple, it's my temple. You're a burglar. I'm
} calling the police.
} Nottie, we haven't got time for this...
} We have too! We're immortal. If I sat here flicking my lips going
} beable, beable for the next three millennia, we'd have more than
} enough time for it.
} Yes, all right, but my supplicant wouldn't. So why don't you--
} That's not your supplicant, it's my supplicant. You don't have
} supplicants. Nobody'd come to grovel abjectly and obsequiously
} before an all-time, top of the range mega-loser like you. Me, on
} the other hand--
} Nottie, don't make me hurt you again.
} ...
} Good. Now, ask the supplicant to guess what you guess he's going to ask
} me.
} ...Ask me.
} Oh, very well! What he's going to ask you.
} No way. He hasn't grovelled yet.
} Excuse us a moment, supplicant.
} Hey, what're you...? Get away from me. Aaahh! AAARGGGH! OW,
} OW, stop it, OW! All right, all right, I'll ask him!
} I knew you'd see sense in the end.
} Stupid supplicant, guess what I guess you're going to ask my
} stinky big bully of a brother, who's the ickiest pooh in all the
} known multiverse and some others besides.
} Eloquently if ungraciously put. Well, supplicant? Can you guess what
} the infinitely perverse Internet Notacle guesses your question to me
} might be? Go on, I'll give you three tries. No, chickens don't enter
} into it. Shush, Nottie! Neither does true love. Ha, ha! Not so easy, is
} it? Nottie, be quiet, you've had your turn. One more try, supplicant.
} Disfiguring skin complaints? Hah, that's the worst yet! Not by a mile!
} Don't feel too bad, supplicant. Even the Oracle, who sees the little
} sparrow fall and knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men, can't
} figure out what my idiot brother is going to say next half the time. I
} think it's a quantum mechanical, Schroedinger's cat sort of thing. Just
} be thankful we didn't get a visit from my other twin, the Internet
} Andacle--
} He's even stinkier than you!
} --or you really would have got a dose of Boole's Revenge. And, just to
} show you there's no hard feelings, the answer to the question you were
} actually going to ask me is: about an ell.
} You owe the Oracle an only childhood.
} Out of idle curiosity, Nottie, what did you guess that supplicant was
} going to ask me?
} I guessed he was going to ask: where can a chicken with a
} disfiguring skin complaint find true love? I did, I swear it! Get
} away! Ow, ow, OW! Rotter! AAAaahhHHHHHH!