} Your housemate David is willing to do the dishes, but never puts
} them away. Your housemate Julie will put wash dishes if the
} drainboard is empty, but will only put away the dishes she has
} washed. You will wash and put away dishes, but only when you use
} them, and since your diet is primarily junk food and take-out
} eaten with dispoable implements, you having dishes to wash is
} next to never.
} So after David does a round of dishes, the drainboard gets full,
} but he doesn't empty it, Julie doesn't empty it, and you don't
} empty it. So new dishes pile up in the sink waiting to be cleaned
} and the process deadlocks.
} Good? No, I guess not, that's not a true deadlock, since people
} can take dishes from the drainboard to use, thus emptying it without
} putting dishes away. Let's try another one.
} Ah! David wants to watch the "Predator" DVD he just rented (one
} current and one former US State governor staring in one movie),
} so he grabs the TV remote and starts looking for the DVD remote.
} At the same time Julie wants to watch the "Brigit Jones's [sic]
} Diary" DVD she just got from NetFlix so she grabs the DVD remore
} and starts looking for the TV remote.
} Each has a lock on a resource needed to watch the movie of choice,
} neither will consent to watching the other's movie, and so they
} deadlock. Their deadlock doesn't stop you from turning on the TV
} by hand and jacking into your PS2, though.
} You owe the Oracle your oath to not vote for either Arnold
} Schwarzenegger or Jesse Ventura for US President.