} [ The Oracle was a little confused on this one. The "feud" was with
} certain readers of rec.humor, not Brad Templeton/rec.humor.funny. -sk ]
} It's because...because, BRAD TEMPLETON IS THE ANTI_CHRIST!!! There,
} I said it! Oh, I've been silenced long enough about this abomination!
} Yes, insinuating himself among the people with his "moderated" humor
} group...moderated by Old Nick, himself, I say!! Yes, the split hoofed
} one broadcasts his message over all available bandwidth, and pipes it
} into our heads encased in such banal humor, that our numbed brains don't
} even see that we are being turned into Satan's followers. We must join
} each other, and destroy this horror from the bowels of th...
} Message from Talk_Daemon@porter at 11:22 ...
} talk: connection requested by satan@reagan.depths.hell.edu
} talk: respond with: talk satan@reagan.depths.hell.edu
} O: Uh, hi Satan, old buddy! How's things? I hope...
} S: Cut the shit, Oracle. I thought we had an understanding here?
} O: Well, we did...uh, do...I...
} S: Shut up, OK, just shut up. I've had a hell of a week. The
} flu is going around the lower level demons, and one of the slimy
} little things gave it to me. Yeah, that one hanging on the wall
} over there...and there...and there...and...you get the message,
} right, Oh benevolent and merciful O-racle hole, ha, ha! You
} tipped my hand twice, and three strikes means your out, so lay
} off the kid, or you will find out what me and Lisa do in my
} cabin on the weekends. And you won't live to regret it!
} O: WHAT!?!? LISA and SATAN, boinkin' behind my back!!?? You little
} slut, I oughta...and YOU Satan, I felt like we were friends and
} all,and then...
} S: Oh, cut it, you glorified Ann Landers. You quit whining, or
} I'll make you last trip to Hell seem like a Sunday in the park.
} O: Well...since you put it that way, I guess I could, uh...Oh,
} heck, big guy, I was just joshin' you:-)! I hope you and Lisa
} have a great weekend, OK? No hard feelings, huh?
} S: ^C
} Yeah, about this rec.humor.funny feud? I is all just a teensy-
} weensy little misunderstanding between ol' Brad and myself.
} Hey, old buddies can argue, too, can't they? It is nothing,
} and Brad is cool, there's your answer. Now get outa my face.
} ...Lisa, you, bitch, get to my chambers and... Oh, yeah, you
} owe the Oracle, some asbestos potholders. Now get out.