} Let's examine the different lifepaths which may result from explaining
} your nasal lust to your SO during breakfast.
} Path #1
} -------
} You: "Honey, I've been thinking."
} SO: "'Bout what, dear?"
} You: "'Bout your nose."
} SO: "My nose? What's wrong with my nose?"
} You: "Oh, no, nothing's wrong with your nose. I just ... well, this
} is a little hard to explain ..."
} SO: "Oh come on, honey. I've known you for twelve years. What is
} it?"
} You: "I just want to insert my penis into your left nostril."
} SO: "AAAAAHH!" [throws several quarts of hot bacon grease onto your
} lap and stalks out of the house]
} Path #2
} -------
} You: "Honey, I've been thinking."
} SO: "'Bout what, dear?"
} You: "'Bout your nose."
} SO: "Not now, dear. I've got a headache."
} Path #3
} -------
} You: "Honey, I've been thinking."
} SO: "'Bout what, dear?"
} You: "'Bout your nose."
} SO: "Nasal sex, is that it, honey?"
} You: "Uh, well, yeah."
} SO: "Okay. Pick up some Vaseline and some Actifed on your way home
} tonight."
} Path #4
} -------
} You: "Honey, I've been thinking."
} SO: "'Bout what, dear?"
} You: "'Bout your nose."
} SO: "Oh God, you hate my nose! I know! I know you think it's too
} long! I hate it! I hate my nose! I have always hated my nose!
} No more! I can't take it any more!" [takes large knife and cuts
} off nose while you read the paper]
} Path #5
} -------
} You: "Honey, I've been thinking."
} SO: "'Bout what, dear?"
} You: "'Bout your nose."
} SO: "Honey, I'VE been thinking about YOUR nose too."
} You: "Does this mean ..."
} So: "Yes ... yes ... yessss ..." [you rub noses with your SO and
} prematurely ejaculate into your coffee]
} The Oracle's opinion is: don't explain. Just keep it to yourself.
} You'll upset your SO and make your coffee undrinkable.
} You owe the Oracle a nasal contraceptive.