} Well, supplicant, that's a rather vague question. You see, there are
} two diseases by that very name; there's your ordinary "mime disease"
} that is generally little more than moderately distressing to watch in
} action, and your deadly "MIME disease" that is utterly horrible to
} behold. Below is a list of symptoms, from which you can conclude
} which of these two you have.
} Mime Disease | MIME Disease
} -------------------------+----------------------------
} Your face is becoming | Your face is turning into
} a deathly white. | a strange linear and
} | numerical pattern.
} |
} Your talents tend to be | Your talents tend to be
} requested for little | requested by particularly
} children's birthday | sadistic supplicants.
} parties and misguided |
} circuses. |
} |
} You tend to get trapped | You tend to get trapped
} in invisible boxes, | in the e-mail trash can
} rooms, and other | after being nicely minced
} imaginary objects of all | into fine pieces, except
} kinds. | for the bits used in
} | Zadoc's cooking... though
} | now that I think of it,
} | that usually tends to rot
} | also since no one will
} | touch the stuff.
} |
} You tried to tell your | Your favorite sets of
} favorite number once, | characters are too long
} but you couldn't talk, | and numerous to list here,
} and you were only able | but many of them start
} to write with on an | with "01C50".
} invisible piece of paper |
} with an invisible pen |
} using invisible ink, so |
} no one could understand. |
} |
} Your throat is totally | You are able to speak, but
} hoarse and you are thus | only between random
} unable to speak. | spoutings of unintelligible
} | esoteric gibberish.
} |
} If imprisoned, you'll | If imprisoned, you'll
} generally try to escape | generally try to escape
} by attempting to push | by attempting to drive your
} yourself through windows | captors insane by shouting
} that are too high up for | random letters and numbers
} your feeble arms to get | at them and making them
} you to. | try to figure out what you
} | mean.
} |
} You tend to get hit by | You tend to get hit by
} rotten eggs. | Zot bolts.
} If you conclude that you have the former disease, I recommend seeing a
} doctor and a fashion designer. Should you, however, conclude that you
} have the latter disease, I recommend that you see a programmer
} (if you are of mechanical origin) or a psychiatrist or asylum keeper
} (if you are of organic origin).
} You owe the Oracle a better security system to keep out people with
} either disease.