} I do know what your problem is, but it's gonna take you to face this
} problem and see a psychologist. See, it all started when your parents
} gave you that name. All the little boys and girls in grades one through
} twelve laughed at you, threw rocks at you, and just generally made you
} the butt of all the jokes around school. And one hell of a lot of anger
} built up inside you that waits until you get to a terminal, then
} releases a little at a time. First it starts out with you giving prank
} mail messages to unknown people. But, then it finally climaxed
} (o-o-o-ohh! God, that felt so good!! etc.) and now you're sending
} little pranks to well known, high class, intelligent omnipotent gods
} like me. Well, this has got to stop. Not only is it childish, but you
} failed to ask a question. Now, just go see your school psychologist,
} and tell him your little problem, and quit bothering me...an influential
} leader of the people. Oh, as a side note, you misspelled 'fuck it.'
} This may be a another deeply rooted psychological problem that the
} psychologist can take care of. For tapping the knowledge of myself, you
} owe three quarts of oil.