} Sure just put mine next to Rose. (hehe).
} Well anyway Mr. Bush there is a little thing you might like
} to know, come hear, a little closer... YOU DO NOT HAVE TO
} Now that made it pretty clear now did't it??
} Why don't you do something dramatic, like blow up their
} spot when the Iranians get an almost-operational nuclear
} weapon, but before they can use it, or like resign from
} office, and not let your brother run for office?? That
} should up your ratings by a few percent... I mean I'm a
} conservative too, but I don't think God ever meant for you
} to destroy the environment, and hypocrisy is a sin. Ow
} comeon, "America is addicted to oil", I could hardly stop
} laughing, hehe. I mean
} duh it's true, but coming from YOU?? I knew that when I was
} eight years old, thanks for the news bud.
} On the other hand I guess you had to start somewhere so,
} kay.
} You couldn't even ban abortion after all you did? Eeeessh,
} whadoweneed a racist Strom Thurmond in office just for
} that??
} Now why is it that all the good people are either racist,
} or oil-loving, or pro-aortion, or
} Anti-Christian/secularist, or anti-poor or has sex with his
} intern(I just hated Clinton for that), aw comeon there
} ALWAYS has to be SOMETHING @#$king wrong, you can never get
} a good leader right.
} We're the richest most powerful country in the history of
} the known Universe, and we have for a leader a 60 year-old
} man who barely knows how to speak in public and has an
} apparent IQ of 87(??) I mean we have a hundred freaking old
} people, shouldn't our leader be someone with an IQ of like
} 153 or something?? I mean now THAT would be a government..
} You on the other hand, sound like you've just got a quick
} primer on whatever it is you're talking about just a few
} minutes before you talk. It's as if you would've otherwise
} had no prior knowledge if somebody hadn't explain'd to
} you...
} Oh boy this is never going to end... I'll stop now.
} You owe the Oracle a promise to never destroy the
} environment, or alienate poor people, or have your brother
} run for office, do any of the other wrong things that you
} could do more.