} Your mother is correct. Consult Mr. William Strunk Jr.'s /The Classics
} of Style: The Fundamentals of Language Style From Our American
} Craftsmen/ (ISBN 0978728203) for more information as to why.
} The meaning, of course, is that you are, in fact, what you eat. It's
} very simply quantum physics, really. As I'm sure you know, the Universe
} began in a Big Bang, where a bunch of matter was created that travels
} forwards in time. Now, from your perspective, the Universe will end in
} a Big Crunch, where a bunch of matter is destroyed due to traveling
} forward in time.
} Now, as I'm sure you already know, right-handed matter going forwards
} in time is the same left-handed antimatter going backwards in time (the
} particles are, of course, the same color and flavor - southpaw
} backwards antistrawberries are still delicious and red). As a result,
} it's easy to see that the Big Crunch really is the creation of a bunch
} of antimatter going backwards in time and using the wrong hand for
} everything - all this antimatter gets destroyed at the Big Crunch.
} Now, here's the tricky bit:
} It's all the same particle. Due to the massive energies at the Big
} Bang/Crunch, this particle keeps flipflopping between being matter and
} antimatter, going forwards and backwards in time, you get the drift. So
} you are eating yourself. You are breathing yourself. When your
} girlfriend cheated on you last Tuesday and you killed her for it, you
} killed yourself. And so on.
} I hope this clears everything up for you.
} You owe The Oracle a zombie Feynman.