} Many years ago the Oracle stumbled upon this problem and realised that,
} if he wanted his paychecks to keep on coming, he better do something to
} prevent the total end of all existence as we know it. Towards this end
} I brought together a crack team of scientists, engineers, philosophers,
} theologians, artists, schemers, and complete loonies to try and solve
} the problem. Why don't we check in with them and see if they've come up
} with anything?
} [The Oracle gets up from his chair and heads over to a completely normal
} looking bookcase.]
} Turn around and close your eyes, and don't open them until I tell you
} to.
} [Stage Directions Omitted]
} Now, let's see that secret......memmphlsg....dhgyh....dmdmmmblblblb...
} OK, you can turn around now, and open your eyes.
} [You see a completely normal bookcase except for this large opening
} where you are sure some shelves used to be]
} Come this way.....
} [The Oracle takes a candle from one of many hanging on the wall, and the
} two of you had down into the deep, dark recesses of the secret passage
} behind the Oracles bookcase]
} Hey! Narrator! You weren't supposed to say where it was.
} [Oh yeah. Sorry about that Oracle.]
} See that it doesn't happen again.
} [As you walk down the steps, you come upon a large steel door.]
} Now, I give the secret knock! Knock, Knock, Knock-knock-knock. [The
} Old Shave-and-a-Haircut]
} Narrator!!!!
} [Sorry Oracle. The Unseen Narrator has a sheepish look which you can't
} see.]
} (Knock, Knock)
} [Another Knock from the other side of the door. (Psst. It was two
} bits.)]
} I heard that!
} [The Door opens, and on the other side is Professor Isaac Isenstein,
} head of the Oracle's secret research team.]
} Prof. Isaac: Ach, Oracle, Ve vere not expecting you.
} Oracle: I just thought I'd drop by and see how the research was going.
} May we come in?
} Prof. Isaac: Vy certainly, Sir.
} [You walk through the door and on the other side is something you hardly
} expected ever to see in a science lab. No, no, no, get your mind out of
} the gutter, it's sunlight. Professor Isenstein takes you over to a
} giant glass he has on one side of the lab.]
} Prof. Isaac: Ve have already solved ze problem, you zee, we just need
} to vork out ze engineering part. Ze theory is simple, ze shall use zis
} magnifying glass to magnify ze heating power of ze sun, thus varming ze
} universe.
} Oracle: That's great! How are you going to launch it?
} Prof. Isaac: For zat, you must ask Mr. McScott.
} Oracle: Ok, thanks.
} [You head down the corridor towards engineering.]
} Oracle: Mr. McScott! How goes the project?
} McScott: Och, Faith and Begorah, we are currently building our launch
} vehicle. It's right over here, behind this curtain.
} [Mr. McScott pulls a cord and the curtain behind him slides away,
} revealing, a giant, wooden catapult.]
} McScott: This is what we're going to use to launch the magnifying glass
} out into space to orbit around the sun, thus magnifying it's heat...
} Oracle: Yes, yes, Professor Isenstein already informed us of the
} theory. Glad to hear you guys finally got everything all taken care of.
} [I'm impressed.]
} Oracle: You shut up.
} There you have it, you don't have to do anything but wait, we at Oracle
} Labs already have everything under control.
} You owe the Oracle a very, very, very large spring.