} All right. I can see you are an experienced car buyer, with a
} good head for business on your shoulders, so there's no point
} in hiding anything from you. I wouldn't do that anyway, I'm
} not like those fast-buck artists, I depend on repeat business
} and customer referrals. Yeah, I'll just cut to the chase, and
} tell you that I can let this exceptionally fine vehicle go for
} thirty-four five, not the thirty-nine that's marked. That's
} just a couple hundred over what the lot owner paid the little
} old lady who had it before now. She only raced it on Saturdays,
} otherwise it was just to the grocery store and to church. Yeah,
} those little scratches will buff right out; I can't ask the body
} shop guys to do that at such a low price, but you can get what
} you need at any parts store and do the work yourself in ten
} minutes, tops. No, those aren't dents; aerodynamic features,
} they provide downward thrust for better handling, yet let you
} slip through the air for great gas mileage, 50 MPG on the
} highway. Not many full size SUVs can claim that. The tires?
} No, they're designed like that, they're called run-flat, look
} them up on the Internet, they're a high end item. No, they
} don't all have to be flat, the three that are pumped up will
} work just as good. And tread? That's merely a style decision
} by the tire manufacturer, you actually get better traction when
} it's like that, you don't think those guys who race Indy cars
} are idiots, do you, they all run with slick tires. No, that's
} not a crack in the windshield, that's how high end windshields
} are designed these days, with a pre-stressed fault line to
} absorb the forces in the event of a crash. The driver's side
} door handle, well now, that's a safety feature too - you
} probably know that most car-jackings are done by opening the
} driver's door and pulling the driver out. No no, this vehicle
} isn't abnormally prone to car-jacking, but it's certainly a
} desirable vehicle, and in this day and age you can't be too
} careful, so crawling in on the passenger side is for your own
} protection. Speaking of desirable, I've got another buyer
} coming in tomorrow morning to take a second look at it, so if
} you want to do business my advice would be to grab this deal
} while it's still on the table for you. I'm sure a smart buyer
} like you will know what to do.
} Yes, this is really and truly as low as I, or anyone, can go.
} You owe the Oracle a $499.95 down payment on rustproofing of
} the muffler bearings.