} The shogi champion? He worked at it, from a very
} early age. That's the usual secret. Very little
} is ever overnight.
} I know the story you are referring to. Here it is
} again, to refresh your memory.
} Flowers for Zadoc
} A True Story
} By The Internet Oracle
} Chapter 1.
} orrie says i shud rite down what i think and evrey
} thing that happins to me from now on, i dont know
} why but he says its importint so thay will see if
} thay will use me as a inkarnashun, i hope thay
} use me, miss lisa says maybe thay can make me
} smart, i want to be smart, my name is zaaaadok,
} i am 333333337 years old, i have nuthing more to
} rite now so i will close for today
} Chapter 2.
} Wow! The powder I snorted worked fast! I dashed
} off eleven replies to supplicants in eleven minutes,
} on topics ranging from Quantum Mechanics to literary
} deconstruction - each with a twist - none involving
} NetHack. One of them has already been Oracularized,
} whilst the other ten were a bit over the heads of
} the priests; maybe I'll start a Sore Loser page.
} Chapter 3.
} ops, teh medasin wor off alredy, please tell mr og
} not to be such a grouch when pepul laff at him and
} he would have more frends, i wish i cud make pepul
} laff agin
} ps pleeze if you get a chanse put some flowrz on
} zaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadoks brekfust tabul, thay tast gud
} You owe the Oracle Cliff Robertson's autograph.