} Respect is a sign, show, display, or grant, of well, appreciation for a
} person's good character or other positive attributes. (I'm not going to
} fall into the trap of doing a circular reference and saying respect is
} a sign of respect!)
} You cannot expect someone to show appreciation of someone's good
} character in the absence of seeing that character and how they act
} absent having actually experienced it.
} Those who claim that respect is something we owe, misunderstand its
} purpose. Respect is an award, a recognition of value. Like winning 1st
} Place in a contest, to be given an award, one must earn that award, one
} must be granted respect, not given it. Anything given has no value.
} Here, I present you an award that says, "Winner, 1st Place in the
} Oracle Supplicant contest." If I give that to you for no reason, or I
} give it to everyone, does it mean anything? No. If I make it about as
} difficult to obtain as getting wet in a rainstorm, it has no value; it
} is absolutely worthless. But, if I say that your question was the best
} one I've ever gotten, and I grant you that award for your question,
} then, is it worth anything? Yes, because it is an admission that what
} you say was something special, something of value. In fact, in a kind
} of circular reference, the award might be an example of a show of
} respect itself.
} So, for that reason I now rescind the award I have just given you since
} your question is nothing special. But, I believe I have answered your
} question, and, if you feel that my answer is of value to you, then you
} may choose to grant me your respect if you believe I have earned it.
} You owe The Oracle a case of red, white and blue ribbons so he can give
} them out to supplicants who do win 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place in the Oracle
} Supplicant Contest, which I am now establishing. Whether the award will
} be for the best question that day, week, month, or year, I am not yet
} certain; I'll figure it out later.
} And note, I did not say you owe me respect, again, respect is not a
} debt that we repay to someone else, it is an honor that we grant to
} them as a value.