> What is the best way to be charitable? I have been told (by my parents
> and by my preacher, Rev. Ploofa) that one should simply forgive stupid
> people for their inept lives, telling them calmly and politely,
> "There, there, you poor thing, I understand how miserable you are, but
> it's no fault of yours. Your innate stupidity cannot be overcome by
> mere good intentions, yours or anyone's, but prayer and hard work can
> improve us all." That should at least make them feel better. I've also
> been told I should buy those people a cup of coffee.
> Anyway I tried that last week with a couple of homeless guys who asked
> me for spare change. I told them I didn't find any fault with their
> miserable attitude, and even offered to buy them lunch. "Can't drink
> lunch," said one. The other one punched him in the face. I stepped
> between them and told them to end their foolish quarrel. They both
> pushed me over, jumped on me, breaking three ribs, and took all my
> money.
> Please suggest a better pathway to charity. One that doesn't hurt so
> much. Right now it only hurts when I breathe.