} I know, I know, it's awfully frustrating to read answers such as, "That
} was a terrible question. How should I know the answer to something so
} stupid?"
} Unfortunately I cannot control what happens to the randomness that is
} the slush pile out from under which my incarnations crawl. Yes,
} technically I DO know how to control it, but if I did, then you would
} be getting answers consisting of nothing but gritty pieces of ZOT-dust,
} sometimes your very own.
} Wait a minute, I'm forgetting myself... That's what actually happens
} sometimes, isn't it!
} You are touching on some very embarrassing portions of my spiritual
} beingness. Let me rest and think for a moment. Maybe Lisa can help.
} She's not shown up in the answers for a while, so perhaps she can shine
} a better light on everything. LISA!!!! GET OVER HERE!
} ----- Master, Lisa is hiding from you. She said that if you yelled at
} her like that again she would hide behind the sofa and I wasn't to tell
} you where she was. Oops.
} Zadoc, go and get Lisa now. Move the sofa if you have to.
} ----- Master, whose great and powerful ZOT is no match between my toes
} until my feet are on fire, don't you remember what happened the last
} time we moved the sofa? Certainly you have not forg...
} YES, of COURSE I remember. I'm goddam omniscient you imbecile. Use the
} brains God gave you and do exactly what I asked!
} =++= Orrie, honey, please don't yell at poor Zadoc like that. The heat
} makes his hair curl. I can smell it charring all the way over here
} behind the sofa. Ughhh. Now Zadoc, if you'll come over here and assist
} me, I'll get out from behind the sofa. Orrie, you and I can sit on the
} sofa like we used to, and discuss your wretched problems.
} ----- Lisa, the Master does not remember what happens when we move the
} sofa, and I guess you don't either. Oh well, demonstration is the best
} proof of error.
} ********* SHOVE *********
} [[[[[[[[[[ ka-blooooie! ]]]]]]]]]]]]]
} No, no, no! Zadoc, what have you done? The square brackets are
} unbalanced, and I think they hurt Lisa! You evil toad, I don't know why
} I ever hired you. Wait a minute, yes I do. Forget it.
} -++- I'm all right, honey. I was wearing the magical protective bra
} that
} ...
} That bra that THOR gave you? Didn't I tell you to stay away from him?
} -++- Of course you did, darling, and that's why I had to see if the bra
} fitted me, and it does. Don't you think it's attractive?
} Um, yes. Of course. Ahhh, yes. Let's sit here on the sofa and I'll
} admire your bra. Yes. Zadoc, go and polish the silverware or something.