} Zadoc's cooking? I mean, the guy means well, but by the time he's
} grovelled before me for 15 minutes, the pasta's boiled over, so he has
} to apologise for that for 20 minutes, so the custard congeals into
} something I wouldn't give to a sick cat.
} That's not really fair, though. Most of the time the gifts supplicants
} send me are sufficient to keep me going, although that's mostly just
} because the stuff would go off otherwise. Obviously I have supplicants
} from around the world, some with very odd ideas of what constitutes
} food (although, admittedly, any culture's idea of food is probably
} weird to some culture somewhere). So, without further ado, I give you a
} little ditty called "Food, Supplicants' Food":
} Food, supplicants' food!
} Hot bulls' blood and Milk Duds!
} To refuse would be rude,
} Cold fugu and sea-weed!
} Ugali and Nattos!
} I got paid what from this question?!
} I feed this to the priests as well;
} Stops dissension!
} Food, supplicants' food!
} It's best if you fry it.
} Pecorino Sardo ---
} Best not to chew it!
} Just picture bats on a stick --
} Flies, toasted or brewed
} Oh, food,
} Appalling food,
} Disgusting food,
} Foul-tasting food.
} Food, supplicants' food!
} Anyone for Vieux Boulogne?
} Coffee that's been pooed --
} Does anyone want some?
} Smalahove's up for dessert!
} Some Nantaimori?
} Piled durian and spleen, just
} Stinking high!
} You owe the Oracle some money so he can do his own shopping next time.