} [If you have a short attention span, please meet me under the equals
} signs.]
} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
} Sure, the Riddle Troll once submitted:
} > If the Supreme Court all wore conical caps on their heads to indicate
} > their idiocy, would they be a famous Medieval philosopher?
} >
} > (hint: acronym)
} >
} > Difficulty 4/5
} Another time it was:
} > If the author of "The Raven" and "Annabel Lee" licked himself, then
} > would "The Raven" and "Annabel Lee" be substandard, amateurish pieces
} > of garbage?
} >
} > Difficulty: 5/5
} >
} > (hint: divide up the word differently, but you are probably too
} > ignorant to get this anyway)
} Nice guy, isn't he?
} The Insane Guy seems to think he's holding a conversation with me or
} something, and once submitted:
} > Evolution is bullsh*t you stupid f***ing *sshole. Otherwise, throw a
} > bunch of rotting organic matter in a bottle, shake it around, let it
} > rot, and see if it can even evolve something as loathsome and debased
} > as you, you pile of dog sh*t. It won't happen, *sshole, I guarantee
} > it. So f*** you. There is no evoltion [sic], except for natural
} > selection, which is micro, not macro evolution.
} And he thinks I can influence real world events:
} > Oh please, you *sshole, do NOT ALLOW HURRICANE SANDY TO STRIKE.
} He doesn't seem to get the humor of this site:
} (in response to my "I don't get the joke":)
} } I told you, *ssmunch you need to subscribe & even then UR not
} guaranteed to get one. Watch "Ask A Ninja". They got some good ones
} there.
} } Leave us alone. We are a close knit society. We don't need or want
} *ssholes like you detracting from the aims of this site, which
} consists of diarrhea, puns and Christian apologetics. If you have
} nothing to contribute there, get the f*** out. Your contributions are
} both unwelcome and unneeded.
} }
} } In fact, we are switching to a members only format next month, so we
} won't even have to worry about dipsh*ts like you polluting this
} important forum with your extraneous bullsh*t.
} }
} } Go away. You violate the ethos of this site.
} }
} } Thanks for being considerate.
} Notice how he tries to draw me away from the Oracle, claims to be part
} of a "close knit society", claims to be part of a new format "next
} month" (this was in 2012), and refers to himself as "us." (Or maybe
} he has a clam in his pocket? Or a monkey?)
} I have no conclusive proof that all three are the same person, but so
} far my theory hasn't failed me yet. I have more examples, too, but
} that should do for now.
} I have long suspected these two are the same, but I couldn't prove it
} to anyone satisfactorily.
} ================================================
} Actually, the Oracle and His priests don't really care about anything
} but family-friendly humor, for certain definitions of the word.
} (Addams?) Just try to treat jokes as jokes, serious questions as
} serious, and anything else as garbage. The Oracle appreciates it, and
} wishes you peace, love, rainbows and unicorns - preferably ones that
} DON'T play leapfrog. (But the rainbows can play leapfrog.)