} Since I can't tell if you are referring to Java or JavaScript, I am
} going to use python instead since its the languageof the gods
} anyway, and I am one of them. The code you are trying to writeis:
} ------------
} import random
} print "Oh oracle most",
} for i in range(1000):
} print random.choice(["awesome",
} "cool",
} "all-knowing",
} "nice",
} "good",
} "powerful",
} "good-looking",
} "enormous",
} ---
} "]),
} print "This lowly supplicant has a question for you:"
} print random.choice([">",
} "how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a
} woodchuck could chuck wood",
} "duos that girl like me",
} "Why",
} "I love you",
} "Tell me something, and make it really funny, and
} really long",
} "Is it going to rain tommorow",
} "What dye do you use for your hair",
} "When is the next digest coming out?",
} "Why is the sky blue",
} "Please helo me. I qan't fignre out how to wrote
} code in Java or script. N0thing works.here is a exsample."
} ---
} "]),
} print "?"
} print "thanx"
} ------------
} you owe the oracle the result of this program.