} Coming soon on Netflix, it's the sitcom everyone's been waiting for,
} it's The Standard Model Family.
} Starring:
} Zooey Deschanel as the goofy weirdo college kid, Strange.
} David Hyde Pierce as the extremely rich uncle Top.
} Will Smith as the down-on-his-luck, lazy younger brother, Bottom.
} Kate McKinnon as the loveable hyperactive older sister who's always in
} a spin, Up.
} Tommy Lee Jones as the cynical grandfather, Down.
} Neil Patrick Harris as the beguiling confidence trickster who becomes
} a family friend, Charm.
} Also starring Morgan Freeman as the voice of morality, the local
} Catholic priest, Fr Higgs (he gives good Mass).
} The pilot (wave) episode involves Bottom and Up starting as interns at
} Top's advertising and public relations firm Yang Mills, while Charm
} pretends to have been offended by the firm's latest ad campaign and
} seeks compensation. Meanwhile, Strange is working for a small funeral
} parlour and crematorium which needs to improve its public image via a
} Twitter campaign and engages Yang Mills.
} Hilarity results when Top tries to sack Bottom for not coming to work
} on time, and Up copies the e-mail into the crematorium's Twitter feed,
} "We're firing you for being late".
} Charm is found out by Strange's detective work in realising that the
} name he's using belongs to a recently decreased client of theirs, Down
} utters his catchphrase, "I told you this would happen", and Fr Higgs
} explains patronisingly that what we've all learned is that everyone
} should pay more attention to the little things in life.
} Oh, and this dysfunctional group of people is kept together by colour,
} proving that multiculturalism works.
} You owe the Oracle a way to get the script past the cosmic censorship
} hypothesis.