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Internet Oracularities #1610

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1610, 1610-01, 1610-02, 1610-03, 1610-04, 1610-05, 1610-06, 1610-07, 1610-08, 1610-09, 1610-10

Internet Oracularities #1610
Compiled-By: Steve Kinzler <steve@kinzler.com>
Date: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 14:26:56 -0500 (EST)

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Let us know what you like!  Send your ratings of these 10 Oracularities
on an integer scale of 1 ("very bad") to 5 ("very good") with the volume
number to vote@internetoracle.org (probably just reply to this message).
For example:
   2 1 3 4 3   5 3 3 4 1

Selected-By: David Hemming <lightinchains@gmail.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> It's time for Quantum Mechanics again.
> My grandfather drives a 1948 Quantum, the model with the built-in view
> of Wiscasset Harbor engraved into the windshield. The automobile repair
> shop here in Wiscasset refuses to work on it. "Ya need a boatyahd for
> that thing. And the Hespeh and the Lutheh Little would be easieh to
> work on than that old hulk."
> Grandfather reminded the mechanic that the derelict schooners Hesper
> and Luther Little had been broken up and hauled away in 1998, but that
> they remained in the view in the windshield. The mechanic said, "Any
> cahh that relies on an anchuh for brakes is dangerous. Ayuh." He
> inhaled that last word in proper Maine dialect fashion. And he was
> right. Grandfather did have to toss out an anchor, even just for going
> downhill.
> Where in Maine or perhaps New Hampshire can I find a good Quantum
> Mechanic? Preferably in a flat area. Grandfather is running short of
> anchors.

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Ah, Supplicant, I see you've stumbled upon the mysteries of Quantum
} Mechanics, Maine Edition. This is no mere vehicle; it's a metaphysical
} schooner on wheels. Now, to find a proper Quantum Mechanic...well,
} it's as you feared: it's less about finding a mechanic and more about
} adjusting your own frame of reference to align with the car's...quirks.
} You see, that '48 Quantum doesn't move so much as it exists in multiple
} states along Route 1, only partially tethered to our reality by that
} trusty anchor.
} What you need to do is approach a mechanic with a quantum mindset,
} which means accepting that this old jalopy may be fixed, broken, or
} possibly driving itself to Bar Harbor as we speak. Here's what you
} do: Head down the road a piece and when you get to the fork, take
} the way that feels correct...but if you start seeing apple trees,
} turn around, you've gone too far into the superposition. Now, if the
} mechanic gives you a funny look, try saying "Ayuh," and nod like you
} understand the mysteries of spacetime.  In a pinch, head south until
} the tourists start showing up; they're usually a good sign you're
} close to another reality.
} And payment? You owe the Oracle a vegan clam chowder recipe that's
} mostly potato...no skimping on the salt pork.

Vote: (very bad) 1    2    3    4    5 (very good)

Selected-By: Mark Lawrence <mtlrph@gmail.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Crazy homework time again. Our history teacher wants a report on the
> Soviet Union (CCCP) but my worst friend Jimmy Blavetskii whose mother
> was born there thinks he doesn't need to bother. He has a report
> called "The Solvit Onion Like It Or Leave It" that he stole from his
> mother. He's going to hand it in as his own. Which is plangarythm. How
> can anyone think about something like that? Jimmy claims his mother
> probably just made it all up because otherwise she would still be in
> Siberia working at the Kestyor Mammoth Tusk Factory.
> A mammoth tusk would be cool, and I could make it part of my report.
> How can I steal one?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} What a sad time this is, when supplicants don't grovel as they once
} did. Back in my day, you'd get a right proper ZOTing for that. But
} perhaps the Oracle needs to be the bigger sapient being and accept
} that times change and groveling is no longer an acceptable form of
} payment. It is, after all, approximately this the year of our lord
} and savior Seneca the Younger, Two Thousand and Twenty Four. Maybe
} it's not the kids who are wrong, maybe it is indeed the Oracle who
} is out of touch.
} The Solvit Onion did make the best mammoth tusks, so many years ago,
} but these days they are harder to find. It turns out, the chief
} component of a good, high quality tusk is ground grovels, so
} they're in rather short supply these days.
} You owe the Oracle a single plangarythm, performed to the style of
} Michael Jackson's Bad, which was still in vogue the last time I saw
} a good grovel.

Vote: (very bad) 1    2    3    4    5 (very good)

Selected-By: David Hemming <lightinchains@gmail.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> What can you do to help access the accuracy and attribution of the
> following quotation?
> "I am known as a quotation magnet, and many clever sayings are
>  reassigned to me over time." --Mark Twain

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} A quotation magnet is apparently a magnet with a quotation on it.
} Here are a few:
} "The secret to getting ahead is a secret." --Mark Twain
} "The only thing we have to fear is a really scary monster." --Mark Twain
} "I have a nightmare." --Mark Twain
} "Let he who is without sin cast the first dice." --Mark Twain
} "Three quotes? Add a quote and make it a gallon." --Mark Twain
} "Ask not [put anything here]." --Mark Twain
} "The Oracle requires an answer to the meaning of life." --Mark Twain
} "Quoting 'He's so fine' in 'My Sweet Lord' cost me a million dollars."
}  --Mark Twain
} "I never said this." --Mark Twain
} "I really didn't say everything I said." --Mark Twain
} "Don't believe everything you read on the internet." --Mark Twain
} "My name isn't Mark Twain, it's" --Samuel Langhorne Clemens.

Vote: (very bad) 1    2    3    4    5 (very good)

Selected-By: Klone (aka Daniel Klein) <daniel.v.klein@gmail.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Which house is it on, and how do I get it down?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Yes, yes, Frisbeeterianism, the belief that your soul goes up on the
} roof and gets stuck. Many people encounter the sign of this belief, but
} few actually believe, especially to your level of faith.
} My advice?
} Prey.
} Prey??? YES!!!
} Adopt a bird of prey, such as a hawk or eagle and then you can prey for
} success. You'll win an extra Frisbee, your neighbor's, that was stuck
} up there with yours.
} You owe the Oracle any extra lost Frisbees that your preyers capture.

Vote: (very bad) 1    2    3    4    5 (very good)

Selected-By: David Hemming <lightinchains@gmail.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> It has finally stompped raining. Thank goodness!  What's next? Oobleck?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} You may find helpful this list of the twelve warning signs of
} existentially incoherent weather:
} 1. Powerful and continuing summoning of eldritch abominations
} 2. Disdain for consistent physical manifestations of reality
} 3. Identification or obfuscation of the unidentifiable or commonplace
}    as a unifying or dividing cause or effect or something
} 4. Rampant oobleck
} 5. Controlled mass hallucinations
} 6. Obsession with figuring out where the bounds of reality are
} 7. Old Gods and weather reports intertwined
} 8. Extraplanar entity power manifested
} 9. The great interconnected human oversoul through which we all
}    transmigrate suppressed
} 10. Whatever that thing is that Mark Rothko has going on
} 11. Obsession with the furries and kinksters without whom the internet
}     would literally collapse
} 12. Rampant cultism and arcane rituals
} You owe the Oracle a better umbrella.

Vote: (very bad) 1    2    3    4    5 (very good)

Selected-By: Klone (aka Daniel Klein)<daniel.v.klein@gmail.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Hello. You said that I owed you a hot water heater for answering a
> question. I don't have one of those but I do have a not-otter eater.
> Someone trained it to eat otters but it really shouldn't eat any
> because it makes them sick (they don't like being digested) and then
> they picket your house and won't let you stock up the fridge. I've
> been trying to take care of it but unfortunately my house has an
> otter infestation and I just can't keep up with it anymore. Also I
> have ice cream that I need to put away before it melts. Would you be
> interested in it for all your non-otter-eating needs?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} I am afraid I'll have to decline. I already have so much tribute that's
} owed to me that I'll have to store somewhere if it ever shows up here
} on my Oracular doorstep. Maybe if it were seals instead. Perhaps the
} Great Seal of the United States? Try owing me the Great Seal and see if
} that helps.
} No, just send me some ice cream. Some for Mr. Biden, too.

Vote: (very bad) 1    2    3    4    5 (very good)

Selected-By: David Hemming <lightinchains@gmail.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Now that everything uses LED lamps we frequently are told that LEDs and
> lithium batteries use lots of rare-earth metals, especially lithium.
> Lithium is element number 3, an alkali metal. The rare earths are the
> lanthanides (57 through 71) with the frequent addition of 21 and 39.
> They are noted for their chemical similarities.
> Lithium is NOT A RARE EARTH!
> Where do journalists and politicians learn their chemistry? Who's
> minding the store?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Journalists, of course, believe that "rare earth metals" are lightly
} cooked, leaving the inner portions raw and tender, and politicians get
} all of their definitions from newspapers you hate. Thus, you will
} occasionally encounter a legislator earnestly introducing a bill to
} regulate the metals industry and require all metals to be fully cooked
} to an internal temperature of 180F in accordance with the traditional
} preparation methods in the ancient Greek cookbook published by
} Lanthanides in order to be certified as Well Done Organic Earth Metals
} before they can be imported through customs.
} It is worthy of note that the frequent addition of 21 and 39 generally
} results in 60, which is Neodymium; this is in fact a lanthanide, and
} therefore should not trouble anyone by its inclusion in the rare
} earths.

Vote: (very bad) 1    2    3    4    5 (very good)

Selected-By: Klone (aka Daniel Klein)<daniel.v.klein@gmail.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Thank you for your attempt at a performance of a Beatles song. I had
> never before heard, "I wanna hold my nose," by the Dung Beetles. Where
> did you find it?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Incarnated by Azerty04, supreme intendant of the Oracle and Lisa's
} fifth bookshelf and owner of the Great Non-Oracularities Library
} Shambles.
} Well, that's a long and weird story. Here is the plot: I was walking
} in the street, casually, but then I found a brand-new discshop, and I
} decided to get in to see what was in there, but once I passed the
} treshold, I felt kinda weird and then I noticed that not only there
} were no discs in there (only stone sculpture of boxes full of discs,
} which may have pranked some people before myself), but also the exit
} didn't leaded to the street anymore, but only to a muddy swamp, which
} was surrounded by trees so high that they were hiding sun. I deduced
} that it should be a teleporting discshop, the thing happens sometimes
} (hence my weird feeling, too) Then, I noticed that there were
} half-buried and muddy skeletons all around the place. Then I noticed
} that most of them still wore bits of what looked like oracular
} priest's robes. Then, I admit it, I screamed.
} Next episode coming soon, send me a new message if you want to know
} (don't forget to put what I exactly said before, else I'd mess up
} between all supplicant I tell random stories of my life, and I've lot
} of them since I'm more than 5000 years old).
} For now, you owe the Oracle a discshop. A true one that don't teleport
} you, please. Really, I don't want to end up in a swamp/graveyard
} anymore.

Vote: (very bad) 1    2    3    4    5 (very good)

Selected-By: Klone (aka Daniel Klein)<daniel.v.klein@gmail.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Jeezez W. Chryyst in a Submarine! I just got yet another call from
> someone who wasn't there. What are they trying to sell me? Maybe I
> should send all of them to you, because you are way smarter than I am.
> Or maybe send them to Julius Caesar.
> Any other suggestions?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} After ruling out James Corden, Joey Cappelletti, Jennifer Coolidge,
} John Candy, Jeremy Cooney, George Clooney (my assistant was momentarily
} confused about English orthography), and Jason Clarke, The Oracle has
} finally identified the source of these calls as Johnny Cash attempting
} to communicate from beyond the grave. If you listen closely enough, you
} may hear the guitar chords as he tries to posthumously publish more
} protest songs through any medium available. You might even be treated
} to his truly inspired cover of "All Star" by Smash Mouth.
} You owe the Oracle a solid black Ouija board with built-in bluetooth
} speakers.

Vote: (very bad) 1    2    3    4    5 (very good)

Selected-By: Klone (aka Daniel Klein)<daniel.v.klein@gmail.com>

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Hallo my wonderful and only friend. You always have advice for me. I
> should have paid more attention. I told you that I was going to marry
> Harmony Skortchnoodle, and you warned me that in spite of her beautiful
> face and sonorous first name, trouble lurked on planet Skortchnoodle.
> She burns noodles, the only thing she ever wants to cook. It's only a
> slight improvement from my own cooking. I've been known to set water on
> fire.
> I fear that divorce won't improve anything. Instead, please invite
> Harmony and me to your Vast or Humble Oracular Abode for lunch. I
> promise we won't even try to boil your water.
> What are you going to serve for lunch?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Err, slight problem. There is a reason that Oracles since the Delphic
} days have always requested gifts in kind, with a preference for meats
} and the finest fruit and vegetables from the supplicant's crop.
} You see, none of us can cook. Which is why I have Zadoc.
} Zadoc, in spite of the fact that his intellectual dexterity would be
} out-manouevered by an arthritic snail, is surprisingly adept in the
} culinary arts (although, after initial efforts resulting in expensive
} dental work, we did have to point out that "Culinar-y" was nothing to
} do with the Koh-i-Noor diamond). So, I promise that you will be served
} an exquisite meal beyond your wildest taste-buds.
} This does assume that Nathan, his understudy (i.e. he lives beneath
} the floorboards of Zadoc's study) is actually capable of buying the
} correct ingredients. Last time Nathan was sent out for some pineapples
} he returned with some pine-fresh oven cleaner and half-a-dozen
} Braeburns. (Which was an improvement on when we asked him to get some
} Braeburns and he returned with some over-cooked donkey-meat.)
} So, given the dietary requirements of you and Harmony, and in
} consultation with Zadoc, I have come up with the following menu:
} Wine: Chateau-neuf (the unseen French version of Inside No. 9 by
} Stephan-Pem-Bretagne and Reeze-Jer-smit).
} Starter: A single slightly sub-standard lettuce-leaf (just B-cos).
} Main: One male duck (don't worry, you won't be able to tell it's male;
} Zadoc removes its genitalia to extract the wine cork), and roasted
} vegetables (Nathan insults their life-choices and parentage for
} half-an-hour before putting them in luke-warm water for 10 seconds.)
} Desert: Apple tart (the deliciously sweet remains of an iPhone
} fan-boy).
} You owe the Oracle some After Eight mints to take away the taste.

Vote: (very bad) 1    2    3    4    5 (very good)


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