} Obviously, you have attempted to look up "microcode" in a PAPER based
} dictionary. It is common knowledge that all forms of written
} communication are archaic and useless. Likewise, any person utilizing
} any form of written communication, including newsprint, textbooks (ever
} heard of man pages ?), envelopes, and 1040's are also subject to this
} classification.
} Perhaps the almighty oracle was too gracious in assuming your acceptance
} of these facts since you obviously have internet access of some sort.
} Online Dictionaries do have "microcode" listed and properly defined.
} Along with other terms such as RISC and BIOS, since some poor undergrad
} bastard was the one who was forced to type in the sonfabitch.
} The almighty and omnipotent oracle, who coincidently has NEVER lowered
} itself to even touching a book, shows no mercy upon your insignificant
} existenece and refers you "look that up in your Funk&Wagnalls". Next
} time, consult an ON-LINE dictionary, where you will find an entry as
} such:
} paper (pa~ pur) noun - an archaic an useless form of communication
} relied upon by morons, dolts and other simplex species
} who lack the general intelligence or dexterity to
} operate electronic communication systems i.e. keyboards,
} terminals, computers. Also, a dried and pressed
} form of horsedung used to convey official state, federal
} and local government communications and beaurocratic
} nonsense for the annoyance and consternation of higher
} life forms refered to as "computer literates".
} -see also/ print, taxes, english-majors.
} You owe the great Oracle 47 pictures of nude women, in TIFF, GIFF, of
} SunRast format. Oh, you must also immeadiately dispose of all printed
} material you can find, (no burning allowed, remember the enviorment) and
} seduce 5 freshman lit majors into a satanic cult of your choice.