} No. As usual, this is a grossly overgeneralized rumor with no
} basis in fact. Although laboratory rats soaked in a pure solution
} of LSD for several weeks *do* come out looking like Satan, or
} the Bible, or both, and they *do* promote moral decay if taken
} internally with 2-3 bandsaws and a fire hatchet, this has absolutely
} no relation to the high incidence of sulphur and brimstone in
} television evangelists. In fact, this latter correlation can
} be completely explained by a few simple observations:
} -- The Devil can quote scripture to further his own ends. (Shake-
} speare said it; it must be true.)
} -- The Devil likes death and destruction and bathroom mildew and
} vacant-eyed children.
} -- Television evangelists are quite capable of producing the above.
} Therefore, it is easily seen that television evangelists are pawns
} of the devil. It can be further shown ( though I will not do so here )
} that the same sorts of arguments apply to all religious types back
} through to the dawn of time -- so, in fact, not only can the Devil
} cite scripture, but he in fact wrote it. God was called away to an
} interuniversal Brockian Ultra-Cricket match immediately after creation
} of our universee, and Satan, Satanism, moral decay, and the Bible
} all sort of spontaneously generated each other, like microorganisms.
} God will return soon and will probably clear us all away to create
} his planned race of meditative dust-bunnies.