} Hmmm. Obviously a worthwhile question. It will require some pondering.
} While you are waiting, I shall pipe in a real-time conversation for your
} eavesdropping pleasure.
} > So, like, what are you doing tonight?
} > Well, you know, I've got this really big date with that hunk from
} > geography class.
} > That GEEK? He must be the only person who passed that last test.
} > Omigod. Like how am *I* supposed to know those stupid capitals that
} > no-one ever visits, like, lam, lind, limberger, right?
} > London.
} > Well, I was close. Jeez, you'd think that it was like George Bush,
} > the education president, was in the class watching us or something.
} > I don't care. I'm in love.
} > Yeah, well you would be at a time like this. I'm just starting to
} > get noticed by the guy of my dreams, and all you can talk about is
} > your been-every-where geek. You call him interesting? Mine has long,
} > flowing hair.
} > He has lice.
} > And he wears a lot of leather.
} > One day it will beso hot, you'll hug him and you won't be able to let
} > go.
} > And he has his own motorcycle.
} > No, it's a motorSCOOTER. I have one of those too, big deal.
} > Oh, and I suppose your geek has his own private plane so that he can
} > go to all those places like Spam.
} > That's Spain.
} > Whatever.
} > Well fine, you just keep on seeing him, and the day you melt into his
} > leather don't come scooting back too me saying you're sorry. I don't
} > need another guilt trip, you know. I already have my mom, my dad, my
} > step-mom, and my step-dad and my little brother. I don't need a guilt
} > trip from my ex-best friend too.
} > Well, fine. I hope I never see you on the Internet again, or else
} > I'll send worms to your screen.
} > You wouldn't.
} > Uh huh. And I'll start wrapping that dumb operator around my pinky,
} > and get him to kill all of your processes. You'd never get a single
} > thing done on this machine ever.
} > Fine. I hope I never see you again.
} > Good.
} > Oh and by the way, you just reminded me that we need garbage bags and
} > dirt for the phicus. Don't forget.
} > [Connection closed. Exiting.]
} Well, wasn't that fun! Right on time. I have the answer. "When pigs
} fly." Using darwin's thoeries of evolution and the mathematical models
} only I could have created, it should be in about 50 years, 3 months, 14
} days. Give or take 5 months, the gestation period for the flying pig.
} You owe the oracle a detailed map of the world, in Chinese, to be
} delivered by the cutest guy in your class riding a flying pig.