} Let us now turn to the Book of Things that Are Written, chapter 4, verse
} 5:20.4.1/a, where it is Written:
} Lo! Yo! Ho! It is Written in the Book of Things that Are Written that
} the English do Smell. And Behold! For this is verily the truth! When
} thou goest to England, yea, and even to Scotland and Wales, thou shalt
} discover this to be none other than the veritable Truth. And how could
} it not be True, for indeed it is Written! Yea, for though the Nasty
} would seek to deny it, and though the Geeks would scoff and fleer, yet
} it is still true: and none may truthfully say it otherwise, for such is
} the nature of trueness and truthfullness, and truly it is Written in the
} Book of Things that Are Written that all that is Written in the Book of
} Things that Are Written is right and true and just and just a wee bit
} repetitive. For behold! Are not the words there upon the page? Is not
} the page before thee? Is not the light good enough? Are not thy
} glasses clean, or if they be not clean, not so dirty as to prevent all
} vision? Seest thou not the letters of the Book Of Things That Are
} Written in front of thee, even as the buzzard seest the decaying animal,
} and even as the shephard seest the flying saucer? For indeed the
} British do smell, aye, even when they have been out of Britain for
} thrice the lifetime of a turnip, aye, even then still do they smell.
} For it is Written in the Book that the British do smell, and what is
} Written in the Book is true.
} Well, a bloody lot of help that was. The British smell because they use
} perfume, which is a concept taken from the French style brought over
} with William the Conqueror.
} You owe the Oracle a bottle of Chanel No. i.