} Well, Biff, old net.Groucho is rolling in his grave right now. Someone
} taking the name Marx in vain like that. Of course ol' KARL Marx is fair
} game, and can be splattered with sh** to one's heart's content. And our
} actors tonight did a LOT of splattering. And as bad, as genocidal, as
} paranoid, as pro-fascist, as much of a schmuck as Joe Stalin was, he
} doesn't deserve what he just got. I mean being revealed as a
} totalitarian in a proletarian's clothing! For shame!
} Who wrote this piece of crap anyway? Oh, that's write, the
} net.socialist.parodist. Such a yutz - he couldn't find his literary ass
} with both hands and a map. He probably can't read. But enough
} charecter assasination by the critic[the playwright did enough for both
} of us..., and made an ass of himself simultaneously]...
} Why did he have to kill off Bauer first? The pedophile necrophiliac was
} the most interesting charecter in the play? And to kill him in such a
} pitiful way? I mean being trampled to death by a mob is at least, well,
} graphic. Being stomped to death by a bunch of communist-anarchists
} doing the Mexican Hat Dance is just plain pathetic.
} And what he did to Bakunin? Uggggggh - did he have to kill him that
} quickly? I mean if you're going to go to the bother of torturing
} someone live and on stage, you might as well do it right. A torturer
} who know his stuff can keep the subject writhing in agony for DAYS!
} This yutz took three MINUTES! And it wasn't even real agony, just bush
} league pain. And using poison to end it was downright boring. He could
} at least have mixed the strychnine with tobasco sauce and made it
} Und Engels? of what use was this yokel? He just stood around and
} yes-manned Karl until Karl got sick of hearing his voice and slapped his
} mouth shut. Broke his jaw in the process, which ultimately made things
} less interesting, but at least neither Karl/Joe nor I had to put up with
} the pathetic drivel any more. And that killing? Brother! Joe, if he
} had been done anywhere close to realistically, would have had him beg
} for at least another half hour. And had him do it on his KNEES! Of
} course, killing him by lethal ingestion of Moria White Icky Things was a
} bit inspired. Unfortunately it went right over the heads of most if
} tthe audience. I mean, if you're going to have your charecter spew
} vomitus with his dying spasm, yuo might as well have him hit some of the
} audience with it! A total waste of effort.
} All in all, on the Oracle's play ratings scale of 0 to 10, I'd give this
} thing [it wasn't a play, not even a 'fore play] a -8.3 . It did have
} one or two interesting touches, but mostly is was just a bunch of crap.
} You owe the Oracle the complete Shakespeare Video Library, and a case of
} Pepto.