} Everyone hates you because you are a runty crypto-lunkhead,
} a forsworn bleating mysterious lowlife Republican twit,
} a resplendent slimebag,
} a rectangular Mormon,
} a phantom pinko,
} a plaid wage slave,
} a rakish drug addict,
} a rich sadist,
} a realisable foulmouthed belching cigar-smoking man-starved parody of
} Gauss,
} a simply ruddy wimp,
} a redundant coward,
} a regretful sicko,
} a listless slimebag,
} a revolutionary UFO buff,
} a shaggy Marxist Liberty Baptist graduate,
} a mauve lawmaker,
} a restful pseudo-baliff,
} a rutting taxi driver,
} a shaven yapping cur,
} a foulmouthed Virginian,
} a responsive fool,
} a sagacious wet blanket,
} a sagacious long-tongued panting satyr,
} a regal activist,
} a crustacean UFO buff,
} a hateful slimebag,
} a New Age crystals-loving sex-starved teenager,
} a flagrant whimpering scumbag,
} a vile wimp,
} a prepubescent kitten-strangling pyromaniac,
} a dry goof,
} a mediocre mega-beast,
} and a repressive HACK-player.
} Does that help?
} You owe the oracle a dozen new adjectives.