} Many people throughout history have felt they were slugs, including
} Napoleon, St. Francis of Assisi, Wilt Chamberlain, and David Bowie.
} However, you may notice that all of these people managed to lead normal,
} productive, happy lives, and there is no reason you cannot either.
} As to if you really are a slug deep down inside, ask yourself these
} following questions:
} o Do you run away when someone is using a salt shaker?
} o Do you feel the urge to leave a trail of slime behind you when
} you walk?
} o Do you wish your eyes were on stalks?
} o Do you think it is a complement when someone calls you cold and
} clammy?
} If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you probably are
} a slug deep down inside, a result of a freak mishap of nature when God
} lets one of the minor Angels who really haven't learned the reins of
} Creation fully have a crack at creating slugs and people. You see, part
} of the problem is that slugs and humans are made on the same celestial
} assembly line, so it's really easy to mess up, especially if you haven't
} done it very often.
} So, just switch to a low sodium diet, and try and join a slug support
} group near you.