} Vell, tis is a very diffikult queztion to ansver. But, I am very
} pleazed to zee tis vill finally come out in the open. For too many
} years have tis bin one of the dark sides of sex, but I hope nov many
} people vill come out 'of the closet' as we sex terapized say. Let
} enlighted jo vith a tranzkript von van of my sezzions with Bob, a
} internetsexual:
} Me: Venn did you first experianse a desire for internet sex?
} Bob: Well, I was about four or five when I felt I wasn't attracted to
} the pictures in 'Domination','Bizzare Sex', 'Transsexuals',
} 'Super hunks', and 'Playboy' like my friends in kindergarden.
} Me: Did jo feel unvanted?
} Bob: Yes! I didn't have any friends except for Becky, of course.
} Me: Tell me more about her
} Bob: Well, Becky was the only one who understood the desire I had for
} long-distance sex, and she told me it was completely normal.
} It was with Becky I lost my virginity.
} Me: Yezz?
} Bob: It wasn't too great, actually it wasn't much at all, but it sure
} felt great! I had gotten these two walkie talkies for my fifth
} birthday and I ran over to Becky the fastest I could. I gave her
} one of them and I ran back again. Ohh, just feeling the stream of
} desire in the tidal radio waves sothing my aching body as we both
} pushed and released the little buttons in total harmony. God, I
} really miss her!
} Me: You could always get in touch with her
} Bob: No, I can't - I killed her.
} Me: Go on
} Bob: After I lost my virginity, I knew what I wanted and I wanted it
} all! I built this walkie talkie with home appliances which I stole
} from my parents without them noticing. When I had hooked up the
} whole thing according to a picture on the back of my Fruit Loops
} box ( I made certain adjustments, though) I told Becky to come over
} as fast as she could. We were just going to experiment a little,
} but when I put in the power cord, it just said zap! and Becky was
} fried.
} Me: Did it smell?
} Bob: Yes, it did.
} Me: Tell me about your adolesence?
} Bob: It was a very hard time. For example, at the Senior Ball I went
} with a girl who also is an internetsexual. Of course, we didn't go
} together, we couldn't actully since she lives in Australia and I
} live in Toledo! I brought my Toshiba 1000 and had some great
} irc-sex! One of my favorite positions!
} The worst part of the Ball was all the muckery I had to put up with
} like:
} -'Oh my Bob, your date is so PORTABLE!'
} -'Bob, you big stud, I think you're wearing out her batteries!'
} -'Is it true your date has back lighting? It must come in really
} handy in the sack!'
} -'I heard your date had group sex last night with 24 guys through
} her parallell port!'
} -'Wow, that is one slim date you got there, Bob! Is her FAT
} missing?'
} -'Slip her the floppy, Bob!'
} -'My date stood me up, Bob. Do you think yours could multitask?'
} Vell, as jo can zee, tere are many diffikulties fazing the
} internetsexuals in the narrow-minded vorld of today. Nevertelezz, you
} are not alone out tere and tere are many kontakt nets outthere. Good
} luck to jo and remember: 'Always use protection like chmod -w
} <parnter>!'