} LUCK? You're talkin' to the Oracle, bud.
} Luck is for people who can't handle FATE.
} But that's besides the point.
} Of course I am familiar with the RSX-11/M. That system was, in fact,
} developed right here at OracSoft by our proto-oracular programmers.
} However, the bugs were just too numerous to put it out on the market.
} For example, the front-end natural language analysis package never was
} up to specs so rather than being able to ask for "hot Earl Grey tea"
} like any normal hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional being would, one had
} to use reverse-polish english and ask for "tea, Earl Grey, hot".
} Similary, try to remember to ask for "coffee, strong, columbian,
} Foldger's, hot, black" early in the morning.
} Then, of course, the connotative translation expert system didn't have
} the depth needed. More often than not the system would produce a poor
} fellow named T. Earl Grey in a condition that was less than appetizing.
} That's why the option cannot be enabled by mere mortals. Just think
} what might happen if they asked for some "hot Sleeptytime" or "jugs o'
} Java".
} So for those reasons, the RL02K-DC was never publicly distributed. In
} fact, no one confined to 4-dimensional space-time should even know if
} its existence... I don't know how you got your hands on one.
} Well, well, well. Looks like you finally blew your cover.
} If you had been reading alt.conspiracy (rather than posting to
} alt.tasteless and downloading those, shall we say, unusual files from
} alt.sex.pictures) you might have seen this coming. But then, being the
} Oracle, I knew you wouldn't. All we needed was one careless slip.
} That's why I made that seemingly innocent request to your previous
} question. Well, I'm sure it's all painfully obvious to you now. You
} might as well come along and make it all easier on all of us. You won't
} be enabling anything for a long time, kiddo. Now, logout, grab your
} Pepsi and Cheetos, go over to the door and let us in so we don't have to
} make a scene...
} The Oracle owes you the right to remain silent. But it won't matter
} anyway. I *am* the Oracle after all.