} Boy, can that guy dance!
} (Whoops. Caught me reviewing my stash of Fred Astaire movies)
} Now, let's see, what was that question?
} Oh, Yeah, the reduction of financial responsibility. Fortunately
} the Oracle doesn't have that concern. (It's GOOD to be the
} Oracle!)
} While there are numerous ways of doing this, the most
} satisfactory and risk free is as follows.
} 1. Declare yourself to be an independent nation (The fun part hee
} is that you get to name it)
} 2. Adopt a political system contrary to the current Western
} Nations. While Tyranny is always a good choice, the limited
} population (1) of your nation makes this somewhat ridiculous. You
} might consider the advantages that anarchy offers (no troublesome
} rules, and it is *still* the only form of government that works
} the way it is designed to).
} 3. Declare war on the United States.
} 4. (and this is very important. Failure to follow this rule can
} be embarassing for all parties involved). Lose.
} Naturally, as in every case where the US has won the war, you
} will immediately receive a massive foreign aid grant, interest
} free loans, food shipments, an invitation to vist the White
} House, an invitation to appear on the talk show circuit and
} offers of marriage from numerous Hollywood starlets.
} 5. Now the tricky part. Declare that all foreign debts are no
} longer valid as you are under the direct control of the United
} States Government, which is thus responsible. You are now free
} of debt.
} 6. (No, you aren't finished). Move large portions of the grant
} and loan monies into potable currency. Declare yourself persona
} non grata and go into exile in some country without a extradition
} policy.
} Thus everyone is happy. You've cleared up your debt, and
} arranged it so that you should be financially secure for some
} time. The United States is happy, as they have cleaned up yet
} another "Evil Empire". The president is happy; the people are
} happy. Everything is right in the world.
} You owe the Oracle one well funded Swiss bank account, and two
} econimists who agree with each other.