} It all started with Adam, Eve, the apple and of course, the snake.
} Actually, the names there John and Mary, the apple was a hotdog and
} the snake was not a genuine snake, but Marys dog, Snakeeye.
} Mary, sorry, Eve, tempted Adam, or was it John, to taste the hotdog.
} "Take a byte, and see the light!"
} So John did, and really, as he ate the BigMac, or was it a pizza, he
} saw the light! Eve's boyfriend, the coldblooded marine stood in the
} door, the left hand on the switch, and,
} the right hand on the grenade! Now John, or was it Adam, you have 5
} ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... hurry up ... 1 ... HURRY UP, I said, quit
} starring at the screen and get the bloody hell out of here! .. 0
} Morale: Never touch the console of somebody others girl ...
} The Great Oracle has spoken.