} Whoa Dude! Like I don't beleive it, eh? Like not in a million
} years! What a totally grooovey question!
} You're like on the waves, man. And you see this REALLY hot
} babe lying on the beach, and you're like getting bodaceous good
} vibrations, ok? So you like ride the surf back to the beach and you
} walk up to her. You want her to get good vibrations too, right? So
} you can't have bad breath, dude, that would be bogus. So to stop
} yourself from having bad breath, you like brush your teeth all the
} time, eh? Well when you brush your teeth, dude, you don't just like
} get rid of bad breath, man. You like clean of all this stuff that was
} on your teeth, see? Isn't that like soooo exxxxcelent? And like when
} you have taken all that stuff of your teeth, what's underneath is like
} white, eh. So that's like why most teeth are white, dude.
} What? You say "That's BO-GUS" do you? Like what did you want
} to know, dude? Oh I get it. You like want to know why the stuff
} that's underneath, the stuff that like underneath is white, right?
} Well the reason is that you teeth are made of the same thing as you
} bones, dude. And your bones are like white. And the bodaceous stuff
} that they are like both made out of is called Calcium Hydroxide. Long
} word, eh? Like that stuff is white, eh, so that's why your teeth are
} like white. And that's also like why your bones are white. And ya
} know why milk is white? Cause it's got Calcium in it too, dude. And if
} you can remember (uugh) school, chalk is like white, because of
} Calcium, too. Neat eh?
} Don't like ask me why like Calcium Hydroxide is white, man. Cause
} like I didn't create the stuff. That was like God who did that. Let
} me like get him on the phone, dude.
} <Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep>
} Oh, Bogus! Like His line's busy, eh? Like I dunno why Calcium
} Hydroxide is white, dude. I would have made it like pink or something
} cause that would be like a totally awesome color.
} You owe the Oracle a Surfboard and some Exxxxxelent waves, dude.