} You are right.... I do have much better things to do than answer stupid
} questions from stupid mortals. However, as penance for sins I'm
} planning on committing in the future, I've been given this very same
} task... to answer stupid questions for stupid mortals.
} And now, stupid mortal, an answer for your stupid question.
} As we all know, light is made up of feeton, fiton, and foeton particles
} (no fumtons, I'm afraid). Thee fee-, fi-, and foe-tons usually battle
} it out to determine what particular hue the light will have. Mostly,
} the foe-tons win out and the color is white, possibly going more towards
} a yellow or greenish tint depending on how difficult the fee- and
} fi-tons have made it. When the feetons win out, we get a more reddish
} tint, due to the more exaggerated and totally bewildering sexual energy
} given off by feetons. Hence the origin of the term "red light
} district", which came about when light sources heavy with feetons were
} installed near houses of sexual favors, in hopes that some of the energy
} would be imparted upon the customers.
} When the fitons win, however, the light changes to a bluish tinge, if
} not a downright dark blue color. This is due to the generally chaste
} and pious outlook held by the fitons. From this, of course, came the
} inspiration for the phrase "my blue Heaven"... it also is the origin of
} most "blues" music, which generally has something to do with how a
} person high in feeton energy feels after a person with high fiton energy
} has informed them there will be no hanky-panky going on in the back seat
} of the car.
} Now, as an exercise left to the stupid mortals... which do YOU think
} would give off more energy? Feetons or Fitons?? I think we can all
} deduce that answer.
} Ah, well, maybe not.
} Feetons have much more energy, so the reddish light is much stronger.
} Fiton particles have much less energy, so not only is bluish light less
} intense, but high degrees of exposure to blue light (or, to be more
} precise, fitons) will tend to make the person sluggish, pious, and
} downright boring.
} You owe the Oracle a case of GE Red Light bulbs (halogens, please).