} You're right. The REAL story goes like this:
} Saddam and Georgie once were on Frog Hollow Summer Camp together.
} Saddam was a boyscout leader, and because of that HE got to have all the
} girlscouts sleep in HIS tent. This, of course, caused anger and
} frustration on Georgie's behalf, so he smeared toothpaste all over the
} inside of Saddam's sleeping bag. Saddam got real pissed (not to mention
} some of the girlscouts) and put a hedgehog in Georgie's underpants.
} That, in turn, made Georgie call Saddam's teddy bear Al-Hazred some VERY
} rude things. Saddam swore, and shouted, and jumped up and down
} demanding an apology. "Apologize!" he screamed, "Apologize or I'll...
} I'll... I'll invade Kuwait!" But Georgie didn't, and the next day
} Saddam wrote home to tell his friends what a silly boy Georgie was, and
} ask them to invade Kuwait. And so they did. A horrible thought now
} struck Georgie. On his last official visit to Kuwait, the Kuwaitian
} government had shown him their collection of Teenage Mutant Ninja
} Turtle(tm) bubblegum cards, which was the one of the largest in the
} world. It even had a DOUBLE of #374 (The one with the turtle with the
} red headband disarming four horrible, sword-yieldning assassins with his
} bare hands), which Georgie had been looking for for WEEKS! Georgie had
} made a deal with the government to trade bubble gum cards with them the
} next time they met. But now that Saddam had invaded Kuwait, what would
} happen to the cards? What if Saddam STOLE them! Georgie rushed to find
} Saddam. He found him sitting near the frog hollow (from which the camp
} got its name), watching the frogs.
} "Saddam!", he said, "Get out of Kuwait!"
} "No", said Saddam.
} "Oh please please PLEASE!" said Georgie.
} "Well, OK", Saddam said, smiling cunnily, "If you eat that frog!"
} And he pointed at a particularly large and disgusting frog, sitting
} among many others on a lilypad. Georgie had no choice. He picked up
} the frog, closed his eyes tightly, and ate it.
} "Now get out of Kuwait!", he demanded triumphantly.
} "That wasn't the frog I was pointing at", Saddam said with a smile.
} "So..."
} "So I won't get out of Kuwait, obviously."
} At this point, Georgie got REAL mad, and the rest you have seen on CNN.