} Probably for the same reason I have a nagging suspicion that your
} opening was not particularly flattering to Me -- a ridiculous notion, of
} course. If you ask any psychiatrist, they'll tell you that minor bouts
} of paranoia like this are very common, and that you should shedule an
} set of appointments with them right away to get yourself cured. And
} bring along any friends with similar delusions. They'll say this
} because they're the ones causing the paranoia, the bastards. Not many
} people know it, but they regularly release Sulfur hexaparanoid trioxide
} into the atmosphere; every Wednesday after golf, in fact. Can't have
} people be well adjusted or they'd be out of job. Half they private
} detectives in the world are hired by psychiatrists to spy on people at
} random, for no other reason than to give them the willies. Why am I
} telling you this? Why did you ask that question? You're trying to make
} Me more paranoid aren't you? You're a psychiatrist lackey! I knew it.
} No, no, he's just a questioner, calm down. If you start thinking that
} way you'll go crazy. But isn't crazy just what a psychiatrist lackey
} wants you to think you are?! Yeah! GANGWAY, GANGWAY, airraid alert,
} psychiatrist lackeys in the building! Ethereal Beings first, women and
} children second, facist spies last! Out of my way turkeys, I'm busting
} through to my fallout shelter! Try and get me when I have my 12 guage,
} YEAH, just try and get me!