} Ah, a philosophical question which has bugged man and other
} insignificant life forms for ages. Yes indeed, tricky. Very tricky.
} The Oracle, however, should He condescend to tell you, in his infinite
} wisdom and general omniomniscience and plethora of transistorized grey
} matter knows THE ANSWER.
} Yes, indeed, there are, in fact, _two_ religions which have absolutely
} nothing to do with BS. The first is practiced by a little known tribe
} of small, multi-tentacled, scintillating, blue creatures who inhabit the
} space in refridgerators between the freezer and refridgeration
} compartments. These creatures, who call themselves the nobblegripi,
} worship the great light of the north, which flashes on intermittently
} during the days and occasionally during nocturnal hours. Their major
} deity, God Thurmatabilube, Lord of the doorswitch, is much revered and
} honored in song. Weekly, prayers and sacrifices are made to him in an
} attempt to stave off the apocalyptic end profetically announced by their
} greatest wise sage elder, Fred, which concerns a time known as "The
} Coming of the Year-Old Potato Salad."
} This entire religion is based on an event of ancient history, passed
} orally down through the years. A story of bravery, cunning, romance,
} and jello pudding pops, not to mention cats. As a matter of fact, this
} story has to do with cats in a very big and disgusting way. As far as
} the All-Seeing Oracle can make out, back near the dawn of time, a
} housecat was locked in the refridgerator of a family living in the South
} of France. The cat survived for about two days before it finally gave
} up the ghost, and managed to live a life of ecstasy for a few hours of
} those days, consuming many of the poultry products stored in the fridge.
} In its dying hours, this cat bequeathed many items in the
} refridgerator with the organic waste-products of its feast. According
} to the ledgend, some of these waste products reacted favorably (or,
} depending on your opinion, unfavorably) with a particularly rancid tin
} of onion dip to produce the first two nobblegripi. Thus a race and
} religion was born, based not on BS, but on something entirely more
} disgusting.
} Then, of course, there is the worship of the Almighty, the
} All-Knowing, the All-Encompassing, The All-modest ORACLE! Briefly, the
} worship of The Oracle began with an accident concerning a Minotaur, a
} King, about 5 small rodents, Two glasses of vodka, and a cherry coke,
} which the Oracle would prefer not to go into right now, but rest assured
} that it is indeed noble, and befitting such a great incarnation as the
} Oracle, and has nothing to do with BS.
} You owe the Oracle a snake, an apple, and a several lightning bolts.